Jerry Goldsmith (264 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Goldsmith, JerryStar Trek: The Motion Picture (Complete Score)2CDnot rated1:11:45
Goldsmith, JerryThe Stripper / The Travelling ExecutionerCDnot rated1:03:24
Jerry Goldsmith100 RiflesMP3not rated
Jerry Goldsmith13th Warrior CompleteMP32000not rated1:13:36
Jerry Goldsmith150 Greatest HitsMP3not rated10:53:23
Jerry Goldsmith2 Days In The ValleyMP3****46:59
Jerry Goldsmith6 Degrees of SeparationCDnot rated34:12
Jerry GoldsmithA Gathering Of EaglesMP31963not rated42:12
Jerry GoldsmithA Gathering of EaglesMP31963*** 1/249:56
Jerry GoldsmithA Patch of Blue [Intrada]MP31997not rated31:38
Jerry GoldsmithA Step Out Of LineMP3not rated32:41
Jerry GoldsmithAce Eli and Rodger of the SkiesMP32005not rated1:11:25
Jerry GoldsmithAir Force OneCD1997not rated35:40
Jerry GoldsmithAir Force One [complete]MP32000not rated1:23:12
Jerry GoldsmithAlienMP31979not rated2:06:10
Jerry GoldsmithAlien (expanded)MP31979not rated1:11:25
Jerry GoldsmithAlien (spanish bootleg)MP31999not rated1:48:39
Jerry GoldsmithAlien NationMP32005not rated46:45
Jerry GoldsmithAlong Came A Spider Expanded ScoreMP3not rated57:03
Jerry GoldsmithAlong Came a SpiderMP32001not rated34:54
Jerry GoldsmithAngieMP31994not rated34:29
Jerry GoldsmithAt 20th Century Fox [CD 2]MP32004not rated6:32
Jerry GoldsmithAt 20th Century Fox [CD 4]MP32004not rated
Jerry GoldsmithAt 20th Century Fox [CD 5]MP32004not rated
Jerry GoldsmithAt 20th Century Fox [CD 6]MP32004not rated
Jerry GoldsmithBabyCDnot rated1:00:14
Jerry GoldsmithBad GirlsMP31994****39:05
Jerry GoldsmithBad Girls ExtendedMP3*****1:00:24
Jerry GoldsmithBandolero (expanded)MP31968*****1:15:44
Jerry GoldsmithBarnaby Jones (Bootleg)MP3not rated19:36
Jerry GoldsmithBasic Instinct (Expanded Score)MP3not rated1:14:13
Jerry GoldsmithBasic Instinct (Expanded)MP3not rated1:26:48
Jerry GoldsmithBest ShotMP31995not rated39:36
Jerry GoldsmithBlack Patch (Bootleg with SFX)MP31957***36:24
Jerry GoldsmithBreakheart PassMP3not rated46:34
Jerry GoldsmithBrotherhood Of The GunMP31991****30:12
Jerry GoldsmithCaboblancoCDnot rated39:35
Jerry GoldsmithCain's HundredMP31961***1:19:36
Jerry GoldsmithCapricorn OneMP31978**** 1/256:22
Jerry GoldsmithCapricorn One (expanded)MP31978not rated52:14
Jerry GoldsmithCelebration of Japan Tour 2003CDnot rated29:51
Jerry GoldsmithChain Reaction (Complete Score)MP31994not rated43:07
Jerry GoldsmithChinatown (Complete)MP31974not rated52:32
Jerry GoldsmithChristus ApolloCD2002not rated51:19
Jerry GoldsmithCity HallCDnot rated30:14
Jerry GoldsmithCity Of FearMP31959not rated37:25
Jerry GoldsmithCity Of Fear [Intrada Editition]MP3*** 1/229:21
Jerry GoldsmithComaMP3not rated
Jerry GoldsmithConcert Goldsmith GenèveMP3not rated2:15:24
Jerry GoldsmithCongoMP31995****33:53
Jerry GoldsmithContract on Cherry StreetMP31977***47:14
Jerry GoldsmithCriminal LawCD1988not rated30:57
Jerry GoldsmithDamien Omen II (Deluxe Edition)MP3not rated1:08:05
Jerry GoldsmithDamnation Alley [Bootleg]MP3*** 1/227:04
Jerry GoldsmithDeep risingMP31998*** 1/232:09
Jerry GoldsmithDennis The MenaceCDnot rated41:22
Jerry GoldsmithDr. KildareMP31961*****3:55:27
Jerry GoldsmithEscape From The Planet of The ApesMP31971not rated25:52
Jerry GoldsmithEscape from the Planet of the ApesMP31971not rated29:02
Jerry GoldsmithExecutive DecisionMP31996not rated29:22
Jerry GoldsmithExplorers (Bootleg)MP31985not rated57:50
Jerry GoldsmithExplorers (Complete)MP3*****1:17:19
Jerry GoldsmithExtreme Prejudice [Expanded Edition]MP32005***1:04:02
Jerry GoldsmithFace Of A FugitiveMP31959not rated30:18
Jerry GoldsmithFierce CreaturesMP31997not rated2:13
Jerry GoldsmithFilm Music of Jerry GoldsmithMP3*****1:09:20
Jerry GoldsmithFirst BloodWMA2000not rated40:22
Jerry GoldsmithFirst Blood Intrada EditionMP31982*****1:27:13
Jerry GoldsmithFirst KnightCD1995not rated40:11
Jerry GoldsmithFirst Knight (Expanded)MP3*****2:25:35
Jerry GoldsmithForever YoungCD1992not rated38:20
Jerry GoldsmithForever Young (LaLand)MP3*****1:14:33
Jerry GoldsmithFree As The Wind (Tribute)MP32004not rated49:36
Jerry GoldsmithFreudMP3not rated
Jerry GoldsmithFreud (Deluxe Edition)MP31962***47:26
Jerry GoldsmithFrontiersMP31997**** 1/247:21
Jerry GoldsmithGhost and the DarknessMP31996****53:18
Jerry GoldsmithGladiator(rejected)MP3not rated36:14
Jerry GoldsmithGoldsmith's Rare RecordingsMP3not rated1:19:55
Jerry GoldsmithGremlinsMP3not rated50:45
Jerry GoldsmithGremlins (Extended)MP31984not rated58:43
Jerry GoldsmithGremlins (FSM Edition)MP32011*****1:47:08
Jerry GoldsmithGremlins IICD1990not rated39:25
Jerry GoldsmithHawkins On MurderMP3****1:18:53
Jerry GoldsmithHeart of V'JurMP3*****52:36
Jerry GoldsmithHigh velocityMP31994***33:48
Jerry GoldsmithHollow Man CompleteMP32000not rated1:17:00
Jerry GoldsmithHoosiersMP31986not rated39:35
Jerry GoldsmithHour of the gunMP3not rated31:37
Jerry GoldsmithI.Q.MP31987not rated1:21:20
Jerry GoldsmithI.Q. (Unreleased Score)MP31987not rated50:24
Jerry GoldsmithI.Q. (bootleg)MP31994not rated40:16
Jerry GoldsmithIn Harms WayCDnot rated35:58
Jerry GoldsmithIn Like Flint/Our Man FlintMP31998not rated1:04:27
Jerry GoldsmithInchon (Complete)MP3not rated
Jerry GoldsmithInnerspace ( La La Land Records)MP31987*** 1/21:18:25
Jerry GoldsmithInnerspace (expanded)MP31987not rated1:24:26
Jerry GoldsmithInnerspace (recording sessions)MP31987not rated2:05:41
Jerry GoldsmithIslands In The StreamMP31986not rated51:12
Jerry GoldsmithIslands in the Stream (FSM 2010)MP31976not rated53:11
Jerry GoldsmithJerichoMP31966not rated52:50
Jerry GoldsmithJerry Goldsmith At 20th Century FoxCD2004not rated1:12:10
Jerry GoldsmithJerry Goldsmith Main TitlesMP3*****3:27:22
Jerry GoldsmithJerry Goldsmith: Suites & ThemesCDnot rated1:04:05
Jerry GoldsmithJerry's RecallMP31993not rated1:55:29
Jerry GoldsmithJustine - The Deluxe EditionFLAC1969*****1:00:51
Jerry GoldsmithJustine - The Deluxe EditionFLAC1969*****28:35
Jerry GoldsmithKing Solomon's Mines [Intrada]MP31985*****1:00:50
Jerry GoldsmithKingdom of the SpidersMP31977not rated12:56
Jerry GoldsmithL.A. Confidential - Recording SessionsMP3not rated1:17:22
Jerry GoldsmithLegend (Complete)MP31993*****1:33:07
Jerry GoldsmithLegend Complete ScoreMP3not rated1:33:01
Jerry GoldsmithLegend [Complete Score]MP3*****1:35:53
Jerry GoldsmithLeviathanMP31989not rated39:42
Jerry GoldsmithLilies Of The FieldMP31963not rated31:23
Jerry GoldsmithLink (Intrada Special Collection)MP31986*** 1/239:22
Jerry GoldsmithLink (expanded)MP3** 1/249:16
Jerry GoldsmithLionheart - Volume OneMP31987****42:40
Jerry GoldsmithLionheart-Volume TwoMP3*** 1/240:34
Jerry GoldsmithLive In JapanMP3not rated1:35:59
Jerry GoldsmithLive at the BBC 1989MP3*****53:35
Jerry GoldsmithLive in BarcelonaMP3not rated2:01:39
Jerry GoldsmithLogan's RunWMA1976not rated1:14:18
Jerry GoldsmithLogosMP3not rated2:03
Jerry GoldsmithLonely are the braveMP31995not rated47:59
Jerry GoldsmithLooney Tunes Back In ActionMP32003not rated37:11
Jerry GoldsmithLove FieldMP3not rated
Jerry GoldsmithMASADA Intrada EditionMP3*****2:29:00
Jerry GoldsmithMagicMP31978not rated41:44
Jerry GoldsmithMaliceCD1993not rated33:30
Jerry GoldsmithMasada (Complete)MP3not rated1:54:34
Jerry GoldsmithMatineeMP31993****38:22
Jerry GoldsmithMatinee [Expanded Score]MP3not rated1:11:53
Jerry GoldsmithMedicine ManMP31992*****50:01
Jerry GoldsmithMom And Dad Save The WorldCDnot rated40:30
Jerry GoldsmithMom and Dad Save the WorldMP31992***40:22
Jerry GoldsmithMulan (complete recording)MP31998not rated1:48:18
Jerry GoldsmithNight CrossingMP31981*** 1/259:10
Jerry GoldsmithNot Without My Daughter (Complete)MP31991****1:03:04
Jerry GoldsmithNot without my daughterMP3not rated35:22
Jerry GoldsmithOne Little IndianMP3****52:29
Jerry GoldsmithOne Little Indian (Complete Score)MP31973not rated19:39
Jerry GoldsmithOutland (FSM 2010)MP3*****1:55:30
Jerry GoldsmithOutland/Capricorn OneMP3not rated1:18:21
Jerry GoldsmithPATTON (Remastered)MP3*****34:14
Jerry GoldsmithPapillonMP31973not rated36:10
Jerry GoldsmithPatton - Tora! Tora! Tora!CD1997not rated46:52
Jerry GoldsmithPatton [2CD]MP3*****1:17:35
Jerry GoldsmithPatton and A Patch of BlueMP31991not rated1:00:35
Jerry GoldsmithPlanet of The ApesMP31968not rated1:07:37
Jerry GoldsmithPlayers (Intrada)MP31979*****43:15
Jerry GoldsmithPolice StoryCD1973not rated53:48
Jerry GoldsmithPoltergeistMP31982*****2:19:46
Jerry GoldsmithPoltergeist_2MP3not rated1:21:48
Jerry GoldsmithPowder (Complete)MP3not rated1:06:04
Jerry GoldsmithPowder [Expanded Score]MP3not rated1:09:52
Jerry GoldsmithPsycho IIMP3***33:47
Jerry GoldsmithQB VIICD1974not rated35:20
Jerry GoldsmithRaggedy ManMP31985*****56:59
Jerry GoldsmithRambo First Blood Part II ExpandedMP31985not rated1:00:22
Jerry GoldsmithRambo III (complete)CDnot rated1:13:56
Jerry GoldsmithRambo: First BloodCDnot rated
Jerry GoldsmithRent-A-CopMP31988****51:24
Jerry GoldsmithRio ConchosCDnot rated56:20
Jerry GoldsmithRio LoboMP3*****43:54
Jerry GoldsmithRioLoboMP3*****1:17:50
Jerry GoldsmithRudyMP31993*****36:47
Jerry GoldsmithRudy (Complete)MP31993****57:06
Jerry GoldsmithRunaway (Deluxe Edition)MP3not rated44:42
Jerry GoldsmithSPFM Tribute To Jerry GoldsmithCDnot rated1:11:09
Jerry GoldsmithSebastianMP31968not rated24:32
Jerry GoldsmithSecondsMP31966not rated25:23
Jerry GoldsmithShamusMP31973not rated24:46
Jerry GoldsmithSleeping With The EnemyMP31990*** 1/241:24
Jerry GoldsmithSleeping with the Ennemy (Extended)MP3****55:40
Jerry GoldsmithSmall Soldiers Complete ScoreMP3not rated1:28:23
Jerry GoldsmithStagecoachMP3*****1:46:46
Jerry GoldsmithStar Trek - The Motion Picture UltimateMP31979*****2:46:53
Jerry GoldsmithStar Trek Concert VersionMP32008*****2:47:55
Jerry GoldsmithStar Trek First Contact (Complete)MP3not rated2:11:18
Jerry GoldsmithStar Trek First Contact (expanded)MP31996*****2:11:18
Jerry GoldsmithStar Trek Insurrection (Extended)MP31998not rated1:16:03
Jerry GoldsmithStar Trek Insurrection CompleteMP3not rated
Jerry GoldsmithStar Trek Nemesis (Complete)MP32002*****1:21:08
Jerry GoldsmithStar Trek V - The Final Frontier (Suite)MP31989not rated21:20
Jerry GoldsmithStar Trek V the Final Frontier (expanded)MP31989not rated1:03:44
Jerry GoldsmithStar Trek V: The Final Frontier [Limited Edition]MP31989*****2:12:23
Jerry GoldsmithStar Trek: First Contact (Crescendo)FLAC2012*****1:19:10
Jerry GoldsmithStar Trek: First Contact - Expanded Collector's EditionMP3not rated1:54:56
Jerry GoldsmithStar Trek: Voyager Main TitleCD1995not rated10:25
Jerry GoldsmithStuds LoniganFLAC1960not rated21:42
Jerry GoldsmithSuites & ThemesMP31988*****1:04:16
Jerry GoldsmithSummer PopsMP31989*****1:31:43
Jerry GoldsmithSupergirl (Complete Score)MP31984*****1:47:56
Jerry GoldsmithTake a Hard RideCDnot rated46:37
Jerry GoldsmithThe 'BurbsCD1988not rated31:04
Jerry GoldsmithThe Ballad of Cable HogueMP3*****36:52
Jerry GoldsmithThe Blue Max (Intrada)MP31966*****1:05:17
Jerry GoldsmithThe Boys From BrazilMP3not rated48:57
Jerry GoldsmithThe Boys from BrazilMP3*****1:51:05
Jerry GoldsmithThe Brotherhood Of The BellMP3not rated27:49
Jerry GoldsmithThe Cassandra CrossingMP31976*** 1/21:01:40
Jerry GoldsmithThe Cassandra CrossingMP31976not rated45:45
Jerry GoldsmithThe ChairmanM4A1968not rated36:54
Jerry GoldsmithThe ChairmanMP31969not rated31:39
Jerry GoldsmithThe ChallengeCDnot rated1:00:25
Jerry GoldsmithThe DetectiveMP31968*** 1/218:18
Jerry GoldsmithThe Don Is DeadMP3not rated38:26
Jerry GoldsmithThe Early Years vol 1MP3*****1:03:38
Jerry GoldsmithThe Edge (expanded with sfx)MP31997not rated46:25
Jerry GoldsmithThe Edge (expanded)MP31997*****1:06:09
Jerry GoldsmithThe Film Music of Jerry GoldsmithMP32006*****52:00
Jerry GoldsmithThe Film Music of Jerry GoldsmithCDnot rated1:09:47
Jerry GoldsmithThe General with the Cockeyed Id / City of FearMP3not rated57:56
Jerry GoldsmithThe Ghost and the DarknessCD1996not rated53:27
Jerry GoldsmithThe Going Up David LevMP3**** 1/233:40
Jerry GoldsmithThe Great Train Robbery (Complete)MP32011not rated1:36:55
Jerry GoldsmithThe Great Train Robbery (Deluxe Edition)MP3not rated36:28
Jerry GoldsmithThe HauntingMP31999not rated35:12
Jerry GoldsmithThe Homecoming, A Christmas StoryMP31971not rated41:10
Jerry GoldsmithThe Illustrated ManMP3not rated41:54
Jerry GoldsmithThe Jerry Goldsmith Song BookMP3not rated1:56:13
Jerry GoldsmithThe Last CastleMP32001*** 1/243:01
Jerry GoldsmithThe Last RunMP3not rated29:47
Jerry GoldsmithThe List of Adrian MessengerMP3not rated40:06
Jerry GoldsmithThe Lonely Guy (Complete)MP31984not rated1:00:15
Jerry GoldsmithThe Mephisto WaltzCD1997not rated56:23
Jerry GoldsmithThe Mummy (Complete Score)MP31999not rated1:50:07
Jerry GoldsmithThe Omen (The Deluxe Edition)MP3not rated49:12
Jerry GoldsmithThe Omen IIMP31988not rated34:15
Jerry GoldsmithThe Omen III: The Final ConflictMP31990not rated48:55
Jerry GoldsmithThe Omen III: The Final Conflict (Deluxe Edition)MP3*****1:02:33
Jerry GoldsmithThe Prize (FSM)MP31963not rated1:16:01
Jerry GoldsmithThe Reincarnation of Peter ProudMP3* 1/21:02:45
Jerry GoldsmithThe River WildCDnot rated38:57
Jerry GoldsmithThe SalamanderMP3not rated42:39
Jerry GoldsmithThe Sand PebblesFLAC1966*****1:49:27
Jerry GoldsmithThe Sand Pebbles (The Deluxe Edition)FLAC1966*****1:16:43
Jerry GoldsmithThe Secret of NIMHCD1982not rated48:30
Jerry GoldsmithThe Shadow (Complete Score)MP31994not rated1:15:51
Jerry GoldsmithThe Shadow (Complete)MP31994not rated1:17:16
Jerry GoldsmithThe Shadow [Expanded Score]MP31994not rated45:45
Jerry GoldsmithThe Sum Of All FearsMP32002not rated49:32
Jerry GoldsmithThe Trouble With AngelsMP31966*** 1/227:56
Jerry GoldsmithThe Wind and the LionMP31975not rated2:02:54
Jerry GoldsmithThe playersMP3not rated44:33
Jerry GoldsmithThe spiral roadMP32010*****1:04:58
Jerry GoldsmithThimeline [Mixed]MP32003not rated58:36
Jerry GoldsmithThrillerMP32007not rated39:35
Jerry GoldsmithTimelineCD2003not rated1:14:08
Jerry GoldsmithTotal Recall [The Deluxe Edition]MP31990*****1:13:43
Jerry GoldsmithTraveling ExecutionerMP3not rated
Jerry GoldsmithTwilight Zone The MovieMP3not rated
Jerry GoldsmithTwilight Zone The Movie (expanded)MP3*****1:18:22
Jerry GoldsmithTwilight Zone: 40th Anniversary CollectionMP3not rated42:07
Jerry GoldsmithTwilight's Last GleamingCD1977not rated38:33
Jerry GoldsmithTwo days in the valleyMP3not rated48:49
Jerry GoldsmithU.S. MarshalsMP31998** 1/230:21
Jerry GoldsmithUnder FireMP31983*****44:45
Jerry GoldsmithVon Ryan's ExpressMP31965****31:11
Jerry GoldsmithVoyage to the Bottom of the SeaMP3not rated
Jerry GoldsmithVoyagerMP32000not rated7:09
Jerry GoldsmithWarlockMP3**54:26
Jerry GoldsmithWild Rovers, TheMP31971not rated1:19:03