Jerry Goldsmith

Jerry Goldsmith - Stagecoach

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:46:46
  • *****
  • Added July 2, 2012
  • Played July 2, 2012
  • Rated July 2, 2012


1. Jerry Goldsmith - Main Titlenot rated2:31
2. Jerry Goldsmith - Main Title NEWnot rated2:31
3. Jerry Goldsmith - The Stage Is Comingnot rated0:15
4. Jerry Goldsmith - The Stage Is Coming NEWnot rated0:15
5. Jerry Goldsmith - The Rewardnot rated1:46
6. Jerry Goldsmith - The Reward NEWnot rated1:46
7. Jerry Goldsmith - The First Bornnot rated1:09
8. Jerry Goldsmith - The First Born NEWnot rated1:09
9. Jerry Goldsmith - Family Historynot rated4:35
10. Jerry Goldsmith - Family History NEWnot rated4:35
11. Jerry Goldsmith - The Aftermathnot rated3:09
12. Jerry Goldsmith - The Aftermath NEWnot rated3:09
13. Jerry Goldsmith - A New Passengernot rated1:34
14. Jerry Goldsmith - A New Passenger NEWnot rated1:34
15. Jerry Goldsmith - All Is Forgivennot rated2:39
16. Jerry Goldsmith - All Is Forgiven NEWnot rated2:39
17. Jerry Goldsmith - Escape Routenot rated1:55
18. Jerry Goldsmith - Escape Route NEWnot rated1:55
19. Jerry Goldsmith - No More Indiansnot rated1:08
20. Jerry Goldsmith - No More Indians NEWnot rated1:08
21. Jerry Goldsmith - Get Out Of Townnot rated2:41
22. Jerry Goldsmith - Get Out Of Town NEWnot rated2:41
23. Jerry Goldsmith - Stagecoach to Cheyennenot rated1:33
24. Jerry Goldsmith - Stagecoach to Cheyenne NEWnot rated1:33
25. Jerry Goldsmith - The Texas Cowboy (Bonus Tracks)not rated1:18
26. Jerry Goldsmith - The Texas Cowboy (Bonus Tracks) NEWnot rated1:18
27. Jerry Goldsmith - Cindy (Bonus Tracks)not rated1:51
28. Jerry Goldsmith - Cindy (Bonus Tracks) NEWnot rated1:51
29. Jerry Goldsmith - Buffalo Gals (Bonus Tracks)not rated1:21
30. Jerry Goldsmith - Buffalo Gals (Bonus Tracks) NEWnot rated1:21
31. Jerry Goldsmith - Main Title - alt (Bonus Tracks)not rated2:51
32. Jerry Goldsmith - Main Title - alt (Bonus Tracks) NEWnot rated2:51
33. Jerry Goldsmith - The Stage Is Coming - Raw Takes (Bonus Tracks)not rated1:03
34. Jerry Goldsmith - The Stage Is Coming - Raw Takes (Bonus Tracks) NEWnot rated1:03
35. Jerry Goldsmith - An Echo Of Bugles (The Loner)not rated8:50
36. Jerry Goldsmith - An Echo Of Bugles (The Loner) NEWnot rated8:50
37. Jerry Goldsmith - One Of The Wounded (The Loner)not rated10:21
38. Jerry Goldsmith - One Of The Wounded (The Loner) NEWnot rated10:21
39. Jerry Goldsmith - Main Title (with narration) (The Loner)not rated0:53
40. Jerry Goldsmith - Main Title (with narration) (The Loner) NEWnot rated0:53

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