Jerry Goldsmith
The spiral road

Jerry Goldsmith - The spiral road

  • Release date: 2010
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:04:58
  • *****
  • Added March 19, 2010
  • Played March 19, 2010
  • Rated March 19, 2010


1. Main titlenot rated1:59
2. The totocksnot rated1:16
3. The journey starts Inot rated1:01
4. The journey starts IInot rated1:42
5. Black deathnot rated1:43
6. Journey to Jansennot rated2:16
7. Sleight of Toothnot rated1:17
8. Sulking sultannot rated3:26
9. Burning villagenot rated3:48
10. P.G. and sympathynot rated0:41
11. Anton the atheistnot rated2:07
12. Betsey's no betternot rated1:48
13. Night worknot rated2:00
14. Worth waiting fornot rated2:14
15. Interrupted Idyllnot rated2:26
16. Domestic discordnot rated3:58
17. Notes to Antonnot rated1:15
18. Together againnot rated0:36
19. Jansen on Lepresynot rated0:55
20. May Laynot rated1:53
21. Missing river-masternot rated0:43
22. Frightful Frolicknot rated1:48
23. Forgetting Frolicknot rated1:34
24. Journey to Janonot rated0:40
25. Some Old Black magicnot rated1:30
26. Bottled by Burubinot rated2:12
27. Burubi trapnot rated3:44
28. Bye bye Burubinot rated3:50
29. Back in the junglenot rated0:57
30. Emergin' Surgeonnot rated2:00
31. To the rescuenot rated1:49
32. Drager's draggin'not rated3:44
33. Antonnot rated1:29
34. End titlenot rated0:37

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