Jerry Goldsmith
6 Degrees of Separation

Jerry Goldsmith - 6 Degrees of Separation

  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: CD
  • Category: soundtrack
  • Duration: 34:12
  • not rated
  • Added May 14, 2007


1. Ouisa and Flannot rated1:51
2. Six Degrees of Separationnot rated1:07
3. Just One of those thingsnot rated1:04
4. Sidney Poitiernot rated1:20
5. Give Sixnot rated2:32
6. Paintersnot rated0:28
7. There is a Godnot rated1:31
8. Catsnot rated0:50
9. the teachernot rated1:40
10. Dream about paintersnot rated1:06
11. The bladenot rated0:42
12. Imaginationnot rated1:55
13. The kissnot rated0:57
14. Dream sequencenot rated0:36
15. Safe tripnot rated0:45
16. Both sidenot rated0:28
17. Do we have a story to tell younot rated1:25
18. No heartnot rated1:12
19. You're an idiotnot rated0:40
20. Not familynot rated0:33
21. The truthnot rated0:25
22. Quartet in G minor, opus 10not rated1:16
23. Listen to menot rated1:25
24. Listen to menot rated0:50
25. I read todaynot rated2:13
26. No Heartnot rated5:09

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