Jerry Goldsmith
The Ballad of Cable Hogue

Jerry Goldsmith - The Ballad of Cable Hogue

  • Genre: Soundtracks/Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 36:52
  • *****
  • Added November 27, 2010
  • Played March 3, 2012
  • Rated November 27, 2010


1. Richard Gillis, Jerry Goldsmith - TOMORROW IS THE SONG I SING(MAIN TITLE)not rated4:04
2. Jerry Goldsmith - THE WATER HOLEnot rated1:18
3. Jerry Goldsmith - NEW LODGINGSnot rated0:50
4. Jerry Goldsmith - THE PREACHERnot rated0:49
5. Jerry Goldsmith - HASTY EXITnot rated3:07
6. Richard Gillis, Richard Gillis - WAIT FOR ME,SUNRISEnot rated1:41
7. Jerry Goldsmith - A SOOTHING HANDnot rated2:36
8. Jerry Goldsmith - A DEATH IN THE FAMILYnot rated0:53
9. Jerry Goldsmith - THE RATTLE SNAKESnot rated2:21
10. Jerry Goldsmith - THE FLAGnot rated1:23
11. Jerry Goldsmith - THE GUESTnot rated2:59
12. Jason Robards & Stella Stevens, Jerry Goldsmith - BUTTERFLY MORNIN`Snot rated2:33
13. Jerry Goldsmith - THREE HOURS EARLYnot rated0:42
14. Richard Gillis - HOGUE AND HILDYnot rated0:49
15. Jerry Goldsmith - HILDY LEAVESnot rated2:11
16. Richard Gillis, Jerry Goldsmith - WAITINGnot rated1:38
17. Richard Gillis - HILDY RETURNSnot rated1:06
18. Jerry Goldsmith - THE EULOGYnot rated1:44
19. Richard Gillis, Jerry Goldsmith - WAIT FOR ME SUNRISE(END TITLE)not rated2:14
20. Richard Gillis, Jerry Goldsmith - TOMORROW IS THE SONG I SING(ALTERNATE END TITLE)not rated1:54

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