Complete list of zygaena's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Lizz WrightSaltMP32003not rated50:29
LlorcaNew ComerMP32001not rated1:04:10
Lloyd Cole & The CommotionsEasy PiecesCD1985not rated47:23
Lloyd Cole & The CommotionsMainstreamCD1987not rated40:13
Lloyd Cole & The CommotionsRattlesnakesCD1984not rated48:28
Lo-Fi-FnkBoylifeMP32006not rated36:38
Local NativesGorilla ManorMP32009not rated52:47
LoitumaThings of BeautyMP31995not rated47:27
Lone LadyNerve UpMP32010not rated40:26
Loney DearDear JohnMP32009not rated41:47
Loney DearSologneMP32006not rated35:10
Long WintersPutting The Days To BedMP32006not rated37:29
Long WintersThe Worst You Can Do Is HarmMP32002not rated43:53
Long WintersWhen I Pretend to FallMP32003not rated47:53
Lonnie DoneganKing of SkiffleMP32000not rated53:35
Lonnie DoneganMore Than 'Pye In The Sky'MP31993not rated7:23:42
Loop GuruAmritaCD1995not rated1:10:36
Loose FurLoose FurMP32003not rated39:17
Lord Cut-GlassLord Cut-GlassMP32009not rated36:54
LordiThe ArockalypseMP32006not rated44:37
Lords Of AltamontLords Have MercyMP32005not rated35:32
Loreena McKennittAn Ancient MuseMP32006not rated54:22
Loreena McKennittNights from the AlhambraMP32007not rated1:34:38
Loreena McKennittParallel DreamsCD1989not rated43:27
Loreena McKennittThe Book Of SecretsCD1997not rated53:20

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