Complete list of zygaena's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Luka BloomAmsterdamMP32003not rated51:07
Luka BloomBetween the Mountain and the MoonCD2002not rated41:09
Luka BloomEleven SongsMP32008not rated47:16
Luka BloomInnocenceMP32005not rated46:38
Luka BloomKeeper Of The FlameCD2000not rated37:11
Luka BloomRiversideCD1990not rated44:32
Luka BloomSalty HeavenMP31999not rated47:40
Luka BloomThe Acoustic MotorbikeCD1992not rated46:41
Luka BloomTurfCD1994not rated55:17
Lulu RougeBless YouMP32008not rated52:15
LunaRendezvousMP32004not rated45:25
LunascapeMindstalkingMP32004not rated44:04
LunascapeReminiscenceMP32005not rated46:19
LushCiao!MP32001not rated1:12:51
LushGalaMP31990not rated46:08
LushSplitMP31994not rated52:21
LushSpookyMP31992not rated48:25
Lykke LiWounded RhymesMP32011not rated40:59
Lyle LovettAnd His Large BandMP31989not rated41:13
Lyle LovettPontiacMP31987not rated35:36
M. WardA Wasteland CompanionMP32012not rated36:36
M. WardDuet for Guitars #2MP31999not rated37:18
M. WardHold TimeMP32009not rated44:36
M. WardPost-WarMP32006not rated37:58
M. WardTransistor RadioMP32005not rated43:46

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