Things of Beauty

Loituma - Things of Beauty

  • Release date: 1995
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 47:27
  • not rated
  • Added January 27, 2004


1. Eriskummmainen kantele/ My kannot rated3:42
2. Kultaansa ikävöivä /There is mnot rated4:24
3. Viimesen Kerran/The very lastnot rated3:12
4. Minuet and polskanot rated7:48
5. Kun Mun Kultani Tulisi/Missingnot rated5:10
6. Valamon Kirkonkellot/Valamo clnot rated5:35
7. Ai, Ai Tass Sattuu/Oh, oh, itnot rated3:44
8. Suo/Marshlandnot rated6:49
9. Kolme Kaunista/Three things ofnot rated4:18
10. Ievan Polkka/Iev'a polkanot rated2:45

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