Complete list of zygaena's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
KrezipPlug It InMP32007not rated40:17
KrezipThe P.U.R.E. SessionsMP32003not rated49:23
KrezipWhat Are You Waiting ForMP32005not rated44:26
Kris KristoffersonCloser to the BoneMP32009not rated33:24
Kris KristoffersonMe & Bobby McGeeMP31971not rated41:28
Kris KristoffersonPlease Don't Tell Me How The Story Ends: The Publishing Demos 1968-72MP32010not rated51:41
Kris KristoffersonThe Legendary YearsMP31990not rated1:18:22
Kris KristoffersonThe Silver Tongued Devil And IMP31971not rated33:07
Kris KristoffersonThis Old RoadMP32006not rated37:16
Krista DetorChocolate Paper SuitesMP32010not rated1:00:39
Krista DetorMudshowMP32005not rated47:38
Kronos Quartet & Asha BhosleYou've Stolen My HeartMP32005not rated1:03:26
KT TunstallAcoustic ExtravaganzaMP32006not rated43:15
KT TunstallDrastic FantasticMP32007not rated45:27
KT TunstallEye to the TelescopeMP32005not rated47:10
KubbMotherMP32005not rated47:23
Kula ShakerKMP31996not rated1:01:32
Kula ShakerPeasants, Pigs & AstronautsMP31999not rated54:21
Kurt VileSmoke Ring for My HaloMP32011not rated45:48
Kurt WeillDie DreigroschenoperMP31958not rated1:08:16
Kylie MinogueAphroditeMP32010not rated43:29
L'âme des poètesL'âme des poètesCD1992not rated50:07
La RouxLa RouxMP32009not rated44:36
LacrimosaElodiaCD1999not rated57:57
Lady GagaArtpopMP32013not rated1:13:33

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