John Barry (70 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Barry, JohnEnigmaCD2002not rated56:57
Barry, JohnEternal EchoesCD2001not rated43:34
Barry, JohnZulu and Other ThemesCDnot rated1:02:44
John Barry40 YearsMP32001*****4:18:39
John BarryAlice Adventures in WonderlandMP3not rated41:30
John BarryAmericansMP31975not rated
John BarryBond: Back In ActionCD1999not rated1:14:12
John BarryBoomMP3*** 1/231:47
John BarryChaplinCD1992not rated49:33
John BarryDances With Wolves - ExpandedMP3not rated1:15:42
John BarryDeadfallMP31968not rated40:22
John BarryElizabeth Taylor in LondonMP31963not rated33:23
John BarryFollow meMP3not rated
John BarryFrom Russia With LoveMP3not rated2:05:53
John BarryGame of Death-Nigth GamesMP3not rated1:07:59
John BarryHammettCDnot rated43:31
John BarryHanover StreetMP31979*****1:19:01
John BarryHigh Road To China (expanded)MP31983not rated56:19
John BarryHoward the Duck Remastered SoundtrackMP31986not rated45:49
John BarryJohn Barry The Suite Life Vol. 1 (1963-1965) (2011)MP3*****1:13:48
John BarryJohn Barry The Suite Life Vol. 2 (1965-1966)MP3not rated1:06:18
John BarryJohn Barry The Suite Life Vol. 4 (1969-1971)MP3not rated1:06:16
John BarryJohn Barry The Suite Life Vol.3 (1967-1968)MP3not rated1:02:24
John BarryKilling AffairMP3not rated29:39
John BarryKing Kong [Film Score Monthly]MP32005not rated42:24
John BarryMary Queen of ScotsMP3*****
John BarryMasqueradeMP31987not rated55:47
John BarryMonte WalshMP3not rated1:01:39
John BarryMusic for Janet: CompilationMP3not rated
John BarryOut Of Africa ExpandedMP31985not rated39:33
John BarryOut of Africa: The Classic John BarryCDnot rated1:19:19
John BarryPlaying By HeartMP31999not rated57:16
John BarryQuiller MemorandumMP31990***35:15
John BarryQuiller MemorandumMP31966not rated34:51
John BarryRaise the TitanicMP31999not rated50:26
John BarryRobin And MarianMP3*****45:02
John BarryRobin And Marian (Extended)MP31976not rated47:47
John BarrySomewhere In Time (Ultimate Master Disc)CD1980not rated31:50
John BarryStarcrashMP32008*** 1/241:21
John BarryTamarind SeedMP31974not rated31:50
John BarryThe Best Of John BarryMP31991not rated1:00:41
John BarryThe Beyondness of ThingsMP31999*****54:52
John BarryThe Black HoleMP31979not rated27:03
John BarryThe Black Hole (Complete)MP3*****54:55
John BarryThe Black Hole (Expanded Score)MP3not rated57:53
John BarryThe Classic Film Music of John Barry, Vol IICDnot rated1:18:06
John BarryThe Concert 1972MP31972not rated36:49
John BarryThe Cotton ClubMP3***43:05
John BarryThe Day Of The LocustMP31975***31:48
John BarryThe DeepMP3not rated37:56
John BarryThe Deep 2CDs IntradaMP3*****1:43:26
John BarryThe Golden ChildMP31986not rated1:17:03
John BarryThe Golden SealMP3not rated
John BarryThe Golden SealMP31983*** 1/21:02:07
John BarryThe Ipcress FileCD1965not rated42:31
John BarryThe Knack...And How To Get ItMP31998not rated34:31
John BarryThe Last ValleyCDnot rated1:12:16
John BarryThe Last Valley (complete)MP3*****37:25
John BarryThe Legend of the Longe RangerMP31981not rated26:51
John BarryThe Lion In WinterCD1968not rated36:22
John BarryThe Man in the MiddleMP31964not rated27:40
John BarryThe Scarlet LetterCDnot rated1:10:21
John BarryThe Whisperers/EquusMP31967*****1:10:20
John BarryThe White BuffaloMP31977not rated37:35
John BarryThe Wrong BoxMP3not rated
John BarryThemeology: The Best of John BarryMP31997not rated1:01:07
John BarryUntil SeptemberMP31984*** 1/235:49
John BarryUntil September - Star CrashMP3not rated1:05:15
John BarryWalkaboutMP3*** 1/21:05:38
John BarryWhisperersMP3not rated