John Barry
The Black Hole (Complete)

John Barry - The Black Hole (Complete)

  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 54:55
  • *****
  • Added August 26, 2011
  • Played August 28, 2011
  • Rated August 26, 2011


1. Overturenot rated2:30
2. Main Titlenot rated1:49
3. That's Itnot rated1:43
4. Closer Looknot rated2:02
5. Zero Gravitynot rated5:48
6. Cygnus Floatingnot rated2:06
7. The Door Opensnot rated4:09
8. Pretty Busynot rated0:48
9. Six Robotsnot rated1:57
10. Can You Speaknot rated1:18
11. Poor Creaturesnot rated1:40
12. Ready to Embarknot rated0:44
13. Start the Countdownnot rated3:47
14. Durant Is Deadnot rated2:30
15. Lasernot rated1:00
16. Kate's O.K.not rated2:48
17. Hot and Heavynot rated2:42
18. Meteoritesnot rated1:30
19. Raging Infernonot rated0:54
20. Hotter and Heaviernot rated1:59
21. Bob and V.I.N.C.E.N.T.not rated0:53
22. Into the Holenot rated4:55
23. End Titlenot rated2:38
24. In, Through... And Beyond!not rated2:45

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