John Barry
Music for Janet: Compilation

John Barry - Music for Janet: Compilation

  • Format: MP3
  • not rated
  • Added September 29, 2007
  • Played October 8, 2009


1. The girl with the sun in her hair 1970’s UK TV adnot rated0:00
2. Fun City from Midnight Cowboynot rated0:00
3. Mary’s theme from Mary Queen of Scottsnot rated0:00
4. Romance for guitar from Deadfallnot rated0:00
5. Brothers from The Lone Rangernot rated0:00
6. Returning home from Eternal Echonot rated0:00
7. Simon’s theme from Mercury Risingnot rated0:00
8. The Wedding from Swept from the seanot rated0:00
9. Beyondness of things from The Beyondness of thingsnot rated0:00
10. The Quarry from Enigmanot rated0:00
11. Main Title from Until Septembernot rated0:00
12. Moviola from Moviolanot rated0:00
13. Main title from Walkaboutnot rated0:00
14. Eve finds her father from High Road to Chinanot rated0:00
15. Who will buy my yesterdays from OHMSSnot rated0:00
16. Main Title from Somewhere in Timenot rated0:00
17. Remembering Chet from Playing by Heartnot rated0:00
18. Remembering Hatty from Chaplinnot rated0:00
19. I had a farm in Africa from Out of Africanot rated0:00
20. Main Theme from My Lifenot rated0:00
21. Main Theme from The Tamarind Seednot rated0:00
22. This Child Pearl from The Scarlet Letternot rated0:00

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