John Barry
Howard the Duck Remastered Soundtrack

John Barry - Howard the Duck Remastered Soundtrack

  • Release date: 1986
  • Genre: Soundtrack/Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 45:49
  • not rated
  • Added April 25, 2008


1. Thomas Dolby and The Cherry Bombs - Hunger City(Remastered by CryWolf23)not rated4:11
2. Thomas Dolby and the Cherry Bombs - Howard the Duck(Remastered by CryWolf23)not rated3:56
3. Thomas Dolby - Don't Turn Away (Remastered Sound By Crywolf23)not rated4:59
4. Thomas Dolby and the Cherry Bombs - It Don't Come Cheap (Remastered by CryWolf23)not rated4:45
5. Thomas Dolby & Tata Vega - I'm On My Way (Remastered by CRYWOLF23)not rated2:56
6. Lullaby of Ducklandnot rated2:25
7. Journey To The Earthnot rated2:40
8. You're the Duckiestnot rated2:07
9. Ultralight - Flightnot rated2:59
10. Beddy - Bye for Howardnot rated2:42
11. Dark - Overlordnot rated5:27
12. Don't Turn Away (Remastered By Crnot rated6:42

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