Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Marco BeltramiThe Hurt LockerMP32008** 1/231:07
Marco BeltramiThe Hurt LockerMP32010not rated52:40
Marco BeltramiThe OmenMP32006not rated53:57
Marco BeltramiThe Three Burials Of Melquiades EstradaMP32005*****1:07:02
Marco BeltramiUnderworld EvolutionMP32005not rated2:34
Marco BeltramiWalking Across Egypt (Promotional Score)CDnot rated29:17
Marco BeltramixXx State of the Union (Promo)MP3not rated1:10:25
Marco FrisinaChiara e FrancescoMP3****55:19
Marco FrisinaLa Bibbia, GiacobbeMP31994*** 1/255:54
Marco FrisinaMosè: La BibbiaMP31995***1:13:56
Marco FrisinaPapa Giovanni (Colonna Sonora Originale)MP32003****56:47
Marco FrisinaVerso La GioiaMP3*****52:13
Marcus VianaSete Vidas, Amores E GuerrasMP3not rated1:09:46
Mare NostrumO da Beni SeviyorMP32001not rated46:32
Mario MilloAgainst The WindFLAC1978****44:33
Mario MilloBrides of ChristMP3not rated59:47
Mario MilloLighthorsemen, TheCDnot rated53:33
Mario MilloLighthorsemen, TheMP31987**** 1/252:57
Mario NascimbeneBarabbasFLAC1961***33:08
Mark GriskeyStar Wars - Knights Of The Old Republic II - The Sith Lords (Game Score)MP32005****1:01:45
Mark Griskey & Lennie MooreThe Chronicles of Narnia: Prince CaspianMP32008not rated3:18:57
Mark IshamBlade (recording sessions)MP3not rated1:18:22
Mark IshamBobbyMP32006not rated40:24
Mark IshamDolphin TaleMP32011****52:05
Mark IshamEight BelowMP32006not rated1:00:53

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