Mario Millo
Brides of Christ

Mario Millo - Brides of Christ

  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 59:47
  • not rated
  • Added October 6, 2007
  • Played December 2, 2008


1. Brides of Christ_01_Brides of Christnot rated1:35
2. Philomena Leavesnot rated2:17
3. Philomena Tries to Suicidenot rated1:25
4. Frances Tells Her Storynot rated2:55
5. The Apparitionnot rated4:17
6. Paul's Themenot rated2:09
7. Theresa Breaks Downnot rated0:50
8. Rosemary's Themenot rated4:22
9. The Lakenot rated0:55
10. Morning Prayernot rated1:35
11. Brigid's Examnot rated1:36
12. Patty Diesnot rated1:22
13. Meeting in the Rainnot rated1:34
14. Ambrose's Fathernot rated3:29
15. The Convent Gatesnot rated2:16
16. Lonely Easter for Francesnot rated1:27
17. Dominique's Farewellnot rated1:25
18. Jan's Resignationnot rated1:50
19. Jack & Paul in Lovenot rated2:28
20. The Sentimental Wins the Awardnot rated2:16
21. John XXIIInot rated1:47
22. Rosemary Leavesnot rated2:47
23. Grant Kisses Rosemarynot rated1:13
24. The Old Habit / The Poolnot rated3:00
25. The Separationnot rated2:12
26. Goodbye Sister Catherinenot rated1:44
27. Catherine's Speechnot rated1:15
28. The Weddingnot rated1:07
29. Farewell to Paulnot rated2:39

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