1. The Crawl | not rated | 0:00 |
2. Ol' Timey Music | not rated | 0:00 |
3. Willie Captured | not rated | 0:00 |
4. Previously... | not rated | 0:00 |
5. Safehouse to Crypt | not rated | 0:00 |
6. Stay | not rated | 0:00 |
7. Corvin's Cruisin' Crypt | not rated | 0:00 |
8. Morgue Medallion | not rated | 0:00 |
9. Mike to Tavern | not rated | 0:00 |
10. Mikey Doesn't Like It | not rated | 0:00 |
11. Mikey da Moocher | not rated | 0:00 |
12. Marcus Finds Selene | not rated | 0:00 |
13. Truckin' | not rated | 0:00 |
14. Truckin' (Alt) | not rated | 0:00 |
15. Marcus Trumped | not rated | 0:00 |
16. Selene Sizzles a Little | not rated | 0:00 |
17. Window Tinting | not rated | 0:00 |
18. Slo-mo Hump | not rated | 0:00 |
19. Marcus Hits Snooze | not rated | 0:00 |
20. Safehouse Boom | not rated | 0:00 |
21. This Means Something | not rated | 0:00 |
22. Driving to Tannis | not rated | 0:00 |
23. Beware of Dog | not rated | 0:00 |
24. Tannis Yaps | not rated | 0:00 |
25. Shot Glass | not rated | 0:00 |
26. Family Issues | not rated | 0:00 |
27. Marcus Taps Tannis | not rated | 0:00 |
28. Meeting Alexander | not rated | 0:00 |
29. Marcus is Here - Michael Dies | not rated | 0:00 |
30. Patricide | not rated | 0:00 |
31. Alexander Can Help | not rated | 0:00 |
32. He is My Sonshine | not rated | 0:00 |
33. Heli Ride | not rated | 0:00 |
34. William Castle | not rated | 0:00 |
35. Selene, Willie and Marcus | not rated | 0:00 |
36. Trying to Kill Will | not rated | 0:00 |
37. Kill Will 2 | not rated | 0:00 |
38. Selene Battles All, Pt 1 | not rated | 0:00 |
39. Selene Battles All, Pt 2 | not rated | 0:00 |
40. William's Back | not rated | 0:00 |
41. Marcus Trumped Again | not rated | 0:00 |
42. The Future | not rated | 2:34 |
| 2:34 |
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