Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

Mark Griskey & Lennie Moore - The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian

  • Release date: 2008
  • Genre: Game
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 3:18:57
  • not rated
  • Added September 2, 2011
  • Played September 2, 2011


1. Main Titlenot rated2:47
2. Level Selectnot rated3:51
3. Cair Paravelnot rated4:35
4. To the Battlenot rated4:14
5. The Battlefieldnot rated5:04
6. Scaling the Courtyardnot rated4:25
7. The Beachnot rated4:00
8. Defending the Battlementsnot rated4:39
9. Defend Cair Paravel Bonusnot rated3:12
10. Boss Battlenot rated3:58
11. The Pevensies Childrennot rated4:18
12. Beasts of the Woodsnot rated4:12
13. Through the Cavesnot rated4:27
14. Bats!not rated3:59
15. The Beach Againnot rated3:03
16. Temerian Scoutsnot rated4:18
17. The Ruins of Cair Paravelnot rated4:12
18. The Treasures of the Pevensies Childrennot rated4:15
19. Scaling Miraz's Wallsnot rated3:54
20. The Masked Guardnot rated4:29
21. The Castle Turretsnot rated3:59
22. The Tower Guardsnot rated4:12
23. From Rooftop to Rooftopnot rated4:06
24. Halls of the Castlenot rated4:18
25. Down to the Dungeonsnot rated4:07
26. Freeing Corneliusnot rated4:15
27. Castle Infiltration Bonusnot rated2:34
28. The Courtyardnot rated4:21
29. Fighting to the Bridgenot rated4:25
30. The Battlementsnot rated3:59
31. Slipping Past the Horsesnot rated4:28
32. Fight in the Stablesnot rated4:28
33. The Terracenot rated4:17
34. Assault on Castle Bonusnot rated2:54
35. Aslan's Hownot rated3:27
36. Approaching the Hownot rated4:16
37. The Temerian Defendersnot rated4:25
38. Inside the Hownot rated3:58
39. Ring of Combatnot rated4:05
40. The Stone Tablenot rated4:24
41. The Battlefield of Berunanot rated2:10
42. A Secret Plannot rated4:29
43. The Cisternnot rated4:05
44. Surprise Attacknot rated4:04
45. The Battle for Narnianot rated3:48
46. The Telmarines Retreatnot rated4:05
47. Creditsnot rated5:01
48. PC Bonus Movie 01not rated1:01
49. PC Bonus Movie 02not rated0:14
50. PC Bonus Movie 03not rated1:04
51. PC Bonus Movie 04not rated0:16
52. PC Bonus Movie 05not rated0:47
53. PC Bonus Movie 06not rated0:18
54. PC Bonus Movie 07not rated0:28
55. PC Bonus Movie 08not rated0:36
56. PC Bonus Movie 09not rated0:51
57. PC Bonus Movie 10not rated0:10
58. PC Bonus Movie 11not rated0:19
59. PC Bonus Movie 12not rated0:34
60. Attractnot rated1:47

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