Complete list of zygaena's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Rage Against The MachineFistful Of SteelRage Against The Machine5:33not ratedCD1992
Rage Against The MachineFreedomRage Against The Machine6:06not ratedCD1992
Rage Against The MachineFreedomLive At The Grand Olympic Auditorium7:05not ratedMP32003
Rage Against The MachineGuerrilla RadioLive At The Grand Olympic Auditorium3:54not ratedMP32003
Rage Against The MachineGuerrilla RadioThe Battle of Los Angeles3:28not ratedCD1999
Rage Against The MachineHow Could I Just Kill A ManRenegades4:04not ratedMP32000
Rage Against The MachineI'm Housin'Renegades4:56not ratedMP32000
Rage Against The MachineI'm Housin'Live At The Grand Olympic Auditorium4:47not ratedMP32003
Rage Against The MachineIn My EyesRenegades2:54not ratedMP32000
Rage Against The MachineKick Out The JamsRenegades3:11not ratedMP32000
Rage Against The MachineKick Out The JamsLive At The Grand Olympic Auditorium3:21not ratedMP32003
Rage Against The MachineKilling In The NameLive At The Grand Olympic Auditorium5:04not ratedMP32003
Rage Against The MachineKilling In The NameRage Against The Machine5:16not ratedCD1992
Rage Against The MachineKilling In The NameDe Afrekening 055:15not ratedMP31993
Rage Against The MachineKnow Your EnemyRage Against The Machine4:57not ratedCD1992
Rage Against The MachineKnow Your EnemyLive At The Grand Olympic Auditorium5:18not ratedMP32003
Rage Against The MachineMaggie's FarmRenegades6:53not ratedMP32000
Rage Against The MachineMariaThe Battle of Los Angeles3:50not ratedCD1999
Rage Against The MachineMic CheckThe Battle of Los Angeles3:35not ratedCD1999
Rage Against The MachineMicrophone FiendRenegades5:05not ratedMP32000
Rage Against The MachineNew Millennium HomesThe Battle of Los Angeles3:46not ratedCD1999
Rage Against The MachineNo ShelterLive At The Grand Olympic Auditorium3:59not ratedMP32003
Rage Against The MachinePeople Of The SunLive At The Grand Olympic Auditorium2:28not ratedMP32003
Rage Against The MachinePeople Of The SunEvil Empire2:31not ratedCD1996
Rage Against The MachinePistol Grip PumpRenegades3:18not ratedMP32000

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