Complete list of zygaena's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Rage Against The MachineRenegades Of FunkRenegades4:35not ratedMP32000
Rage Against The MachineRevolverEvil Empire5:31not ratedCD1996
Rage Against The MachineRoll RightEvil Empire4:24not ratedCD1996
Rage Against The MachineSettle For NothingRage Against The Machine4:50not ratedCD1992
Rage Against The MachineSleep Now In The FireLive At The Grand Olympic Auditorium4:12not ratedMP32003
Rage Against The MachineSleep Now in the FireThe Battle of Los Angeles3:27not ratedCD1999
Rage Against The MachineSnakecharmerEvil Empire3:57not ratedCD1996
Rage Against The MachineStreet Fighting ManRenegades4:42not ratedMP32000
Rage Against The MachineTake The Power BackRage Against The Machine5:39not ratedCD1992
Rage Against The MachineTestifyLive At The Grand Olympic Auditorium3:23not ratedMP32003
Rage Against The MachineTestifyThe Battle of Los Angeles3:32not ratedCD1999
Rage Against The MachineThe Ghost Of Tom JoadRenegades5:38not ratedMP32000
Rage Against The MachineTire MeEvil Empire3:02not ratedCD1996
Rage Against The MachineTowership RebellionRage Against The Machine5:26not ratedCD1992
Rage Against The MachineVietnowEvil Empire4:41not ratedCD1996
Rage Against The MachineVoice of the VoicelessThe Battle of Los Angeles2:33not ratedCD1999
Rage Against The MachineWake UpRage Against The Machine6:06not ratedCD1992
Rage Against the MachineWake UpThe Matrix6:03not ratedMP31999
Rage Against The MachineWar Within A BreathLive At The Grand Olympic Auditorium3:32not ratedMP32003
Rage Against The MachineWar Within a BreathThe Battle of Los Angeles3:36not ratedCD1999
Rage Against The MachineWind BelowEvil Empire5:52not ratedCD1996
Rage Against The MachineWithout A FaceEvil Empire3:38not ratedCD1996
Rage Against The MachineYear Of The BoomerangEvil Empire3:59not ratedCD1996
Raggende MannePoep In Je HoofdDe Afrekening 112:03not ratedMP31996
Raimbault De VaqueirasKalenda Maya - Version 1The Instruments Of The Middle Ages And Renaissance0:26not ratedCD1997

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