Complete list of zygaena's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
RadioheadMorning BellI Might Be Wrong4:14not ratedMP32001
RadioheadMorning BellLive In Paris 28/4/20014:16not ratedMP32001
RadioheadMorning BellKid A4:35not ratedCD2000
RadioheadMorning Mr MagpieThe King Of Limbs4:40not ratedMP32011
RadioheadMotion Picture SoundtrackLive In Paris 28/4/20013:52not ratedMP32001
RadioheadMotion Picture SoundtrackKid A7:01not ratedCD2000
RadioheadMy Iron LungMy Iron Lung4:37not ratedMP31994
RadioheadMy Iron LungThe Bends4:36not ratedCD1995
RadioheadMyxomatosisHail to the Thief3:57not ratedMP32003
RadioheadMyxomatosis (Crisian Vogel mix)Com Lag5:08not ratedMP32004
RadioheadNo SurprisesOK Computer3:47not ratedCD1997
RadioheadNudeIn Rainbows4:15not ratedMP32007
RadioheadOptimisticKid A5:17not ratedCD2000
RadioheadPackt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin BoxAmnesiac3:59not ratedCD2001
RadioheadPackt Like Sardines In A Crushed Tin BoxLive In Paris 28/4/20013:01not ratedMP32001
RadioheadPalo AltoAirbag/How am I driving?3:44not ratedMP31998
RadioheadPaperbag WriterCom Lag3:58not ratedMP32004
RadioheadParanoid AndroidOK Computer6:22not ratedCD1997
RadioheadPearlyAirbag/How am I driving?3:33not ratedMP31998
RadioheadPermanent DaylightMy Iron Lung2:48not ratedMP31994
RadioheadPlanet TelexThe Bends4:19not ratedCD1995
RadioheadPolyethelyne [Parts 1 & 2}Airbag/How am I driving?4:23not ratedMP31998
RadioheadProve YourselfPablo Honey2:25not ratedMP31993
RadioheadPulk/Pull Revolving DoorsAmnesiac4:07not ratedCD2001
RadioheadPunch Up At A WeddingHail to the Thief4:55not ratedMP32003

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