Complete list of zygaena's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Dr. DreExclusives 2001CD2001not rated51:52
Dr. JohnI Pulled the Cover Off You Two LoversMP32006not rated43:41
Dr. JohnLocked DownMP32012not rated42:28
Dr. JohnMercernaryMP32006not rated49:50
Dr. JohnN'Awlinz Dis, Dat or D'uddaMP32004not rated1:07:42
DramsJubilee DiveMP32006not rated1:07:34
Dream SyndicateThe days of wine and rosesCD1982not rated42:51
DregsIndustry StandardMP31982not rated37:33
Dresden DollsThe Dresden DollsMP32003not rated56:53
Dresden DollsYes, VirginiaMP32006not rated55:16
DripsThe DripsMP32006not rated26:42
Drive-By TruckersA Blessing And A CurseMP32006not rated47:27
Drive-By TruckersBig To-DoMP32010not rated53:39
Drive-By TruckersBrighter Than Creation's DarkMP32008not rated1:15:01
Drive-By TruckersGo-Go BootsMP32011not rated1:06:52
Drive-By TruckersThe Dirty SouthMP32004not rated1:10:34
Dropkick MurphysGoing Out in StyleMP32011not rated45:43
Drs. PCompilé Sur CDMP31991not rated2:23:20
Drs. PHet praatcafé van Drs. PCD1990not rated58:01
Drums Are for ParadesMasterMP32010not rated33:18
Dubliners25 Years CelebrationCD1987not rated1:46:00
DublinersBest OfMP31999not rated58:50
DublinersEssential CollectionMP31988not rated1:02:12
DublinersSeven Drunken NightsMP32001not rated35:39
DublinersThe Dubliners 20 greatest HitsCD1989not rated1:01:36

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