Complete list of zygaena's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Sheryl CrowHome for ChristmasMP32008not rated37:50
Sheryl CrowSheryl CrowMP31996not rated59:58
Sheryl CrowThe Globe SessionsMP31998not rated1:03:28
Sheryl CrowThe Very Best ofMP32003not rated1:17:51
Sheryl CrowTuesday Night Music ClubMP31993not rated49:45
Sheryl CrowWildflowerMP32005not rated46:41
Shirley BasseyThe PerformanceMP32009not rated42:02
ShitdiscoKingdom of FearMP32007not rated37:15
ShivareeRough DreamsMP32002not rated39:09
ShivareeWho's Got Trouble?MP32005not rated43:21
Shout Out LoudsOur Ill WillsMP32007not rated47:59
Shrimp BoatCavaleMP31993not rated49:09
Shrimp BoatDuendeMP31991not rated48:36
Shrimp BoatSpecklyMP31989not rated42:40
SiaSome People Have Real ProblemsMP32008not rated59:23
Sigur RósINNIMP32011not rated1:43:56
Sigur RósValtariMP32012not rated54:31
Sigur Rós( )MP32002not rated1:11:52
Sigur RósÁgætis ByrjunMP31999not rated1:11:59
Sigur RósHvarf/HeimMP32007not rated1:13:04
Sigur RósMed Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum EndalaustMP32008not rated55:42
Sigur RósTakk...MP32005not rated1:05:27
Sigur RósVonMP31997not rated1:12:04
Silicone SoulSave Our SoulsMP32006not rated1:11:54
Silicone SoulStaring into SpaceMP32005not rated1:12:30

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