Complete list of zygaena's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
PixiesPixies (The Purple Tape)MP32002not rated18:05
PixiesWave of Mutilation (Best of)MP32004not rated1:07:13
PJ HarveyDryMP31992not rated40:02
PJ HarveyIs This Desire?MP31998not rated40:39
PJ HarveyLet England ShakeMP32011not rated40:11
PJ HarveyLove Me, PollyMP31995not rated1:10:02
PJ HarveyOn Tour Please Leave QuietlyMP32006not rated56:49
PJ HarveyRid Of MeMP31993not rated48:08
PJ HarveyStories from the City, Stories from the SeaCD2000not rated47:25
PJ HarveyThe Peel Sessions (1991-2004)MP32006not rated41:47
PJ HarveyTo Bring You My LoveMP31995not rated42:41
PJ HarveyUh Huh HerMP32004not rated41:15
PJ HarveyWhite ChalkMP32007not rated33:53
PJ Harvey & John ParishA Woman a Man Walked ByMP32009not rated38:02
PJDSLight SleeperMP32002not rated51:21
PJDSSuits youMP32003not rated43:54
PlaceboBattle for the SunMP32009not rated1:00:06
PlaceboBlack Market MusicCD2000not rated55:47
PlaceboMedsMP32006not rated48:22
PlaceboOnce More With FeelingMP32004not rated1:07:14
PlaceboPlaceboMP31996not rated1:00:27
PlaceboSleeping With GhostsMP32003not rated43:27
PlaceboWithout You I´m NothingCD1998not rated1:05:52
Plan BDefamation of Strickland BanksMP32010not rated1:21:57
PlastiscinesAbout LoveMP32009not rated39:24

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