Complete list of zappa's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Twenty Sixty Six and ThenReflectionsCDR1972****1:13:02
TwilightDay And NightCD1975*** 1/242:47
TwinkThink PinkCDR1970*** 1/237:44
Tyburn TallTyburn TallCD1972*** 1/257:00
U2The Joshua TreeCD1987not rated50:13
UFOFlying - One Hour Space RockCDR1971****59:51
UFOForce ItCDR1975not rated37:21
UFOLights OutCDR1977not rated36:40
UFOLiveCDR1972*** 1/246:11
UFONo Heavy PettingCDR1976not rated35:23
UFOPhenomenonCDR1974*** 1/239:37
UFOStrangers In The NightCDR1979****1:16:56
UFOUfoCDR1970*** 1/238:51
UKDanger ManyCDR1979*** 1/242:08
UKU.K.CDR1978*** 1/246:37
UPPLegend Beck Jef BandfCD1994not rated55:40
URIAH HEEP...very 'eavy ...very 'umbleCD1970*** 1/240:17
Uriah HeepConquestCDR1980***42:52
URIAH HEEPDemons and WizardsCD1972**** 1/239:06
URIAH HEEPDifferent WorldCD1991** 1/247:55
URIAH HEEPFireflyCD1977*** 1/237:55
URIAH HEEPLook At YourselfCD1971****40:54
Uriah HeepReturn To FantasyCD1975*** 1/257:47
URIAH HEEPSalisburyCD1971****38:12
URIAH HEEPSweet FreedomCD1973*** 1/237:43

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