Complete list of zappa's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
KitaroTunhuangCDR1983not rated42:48
KKB1974CDR1974*** 1/234:19
KlaatuKlaatu 1976 /Hope 1977CD1977*** 1/21:17:37
Knight Curtis ZeusThe Second ComingCDR1974*** 1/245:58
Kocab MichaelPovidali, ze mu hraliCDR1990not rated41:10
KollektivSWF-Sessions (Vol. 5)CDR1973*** 1/257:13
KoogaAcross The WaterCDR1981not rated41:48
KopperfieldTales UntoldCDR1974****1:19:20
Korner Alexis & SnapeAccidentally Born In New OrleansCD1972*** 1/235:58
Kossoff Kirke Tetsu RabbitKossoff Kirke Tetsu RabbitCDR1971*** 1/243:54
Kossoff PaulBack Street CrawlerCDR1973not rated35:59
KristylKristylCDR1975*** 1/238:26
KrokodilAn Invisible World RevealedCDR1971not rated43:37
KrokodilGetting Up For The MorningCDR1972not rated40:22
KrokodilSwampCDR1970not rated32:33
KrokodilSweat And SwimCDR1973*** 1/21:08:58
Kubinec's David Mainhorse AirlineThe Geneva TapesCD1970****54:20
Kubla KahnMystic Crystal RevolutionCDR1970*** 1/238:07
Kyrie EleisonLive 1975CDR1975not rated1:04:09
Kyrie EleisonThe Blind Window SuiteCDR1975not rated1:14:52
Kyrie EleisonThe Fountain Beyond the SunriseCDR1976not rated1:01:21
LaghoniaEtceteraCDR1971not rated40:19
Laing CorkyMakin' It On The StreetWAV1977***26:51

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