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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Nixon, Mojo (Mojo Nixon) & Skid RoperCircus MysteryRoot Hog Or Die3:35not ratedMP31989
YesCircus Of HeavenTormatonot ratedMP31978
Fleck, Bela (Bela Fleck)Circus of RegretsTales From the Acoustic Planet4:14not ratedCD1995
Bruce Hornsby And The NoisemakersCircus On The MoonBride Of The Noisemakers7:10not rated2MP32011
Hornsby, Bruce (Bruce Hornsby)Circus On The MoonHalcyon Days6:32not ratedMP32004
Hornsby, Bruce (Bruce Hornsby) & The Noisemakers (Bruce Hornsby & The NoisemakerCircus on the MoonSummer Concerts with The Noisemakers in 20076:22not ratedCDR set2007
Floren, Myron (Myron Floren)Circus Polka22 of the Greatest Polkas1:51not ratedCD1987
McLean, Don (Don McLean)Circus SongTapestrynot ratedMP31973
Waits, Tom (Tom Waits)Circus [remaster]Behind The Backdropnot ratedMP32007
James, Harry (Harry James) & His Orchestra (Harry James & His Orchestra)CiribiribinHarry James in Hi Fi0:44not ratedMP31955
James, Harry (Harry James) & His Orchestra (Harry James & His Orchestra)CiribiribinHarry James in Hi Fi0:53not ratedMP31955
Miller, Glenn (Glenn Miller) And The Andrews SistersCiribiribinThe Chesterfield Broadcasts3:01not rated2MP31940
Pink FloydCirrus MinorRelics5:18not ratedMP31971
Pink FloydCirrus MinorMore5:18not ratedMP31969
Nortec CollectiveCiruela ElectricaTijuana Sound Machine2:05not ratedCDR2008
Cash, Johnny (Johnny Cash)Cisco Clifton's Fillin' StationFrom Sea To Shining Seanot ratedMP31968
Carrier, Chubby (Chubby Carrier) & Bayou Swamp BandCisco KidThe Rough Guide To Cajun & Zydeco6:22not rated2MP32011
Jocque, Beau (Beau Jocque) and the Zydeco Hi-Rollers (Beau Jocque and the ZydecoCisco KidThe Best Of Beau Jocque and the Zydeco Hi-Rollers4:51not ratedMP32001
SublimeCisco KidRobbin' The Hood1:25not ratedCD1994
The MetersCissy StrutBeg, Scream & Shout! The Big Ol' Box of '60s Soul3:04not ratedMP3 Set1969
The MetersCissy StrutThe Best Of The Meters3:06not ratedMP31996
The MetersCissy StrutFunkify Your Life: The Meters Anthology3:09not rated2MP31995
Trucks, Derek (Derek Trucks) Band (Derek Trucks Band)Cissy StrutLive at Wetlands Preserve on 1999-02-098:11not ratedCDR1999
The Swamp RootersCitacoTimes Ain't Like They Used To Be, Vol. 5: Early American Rural Music3:04not ratedMP32002
The Rolling StonesCitadelTheir Satanic Majesties Request2:53not ratedMP31967

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