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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
PondCindersCurtis W. Pitts: Sub Pop Employee Of The Month4:47not ratedCDR1993
Erbsen, Wayne (Wayne Erbsen)CindyFront Porch Favorites 19th Century American Classics2:56not ratedMP31995
McMichen, Clayton (Clayton McMichen) & Riley PuckettCindySerenade In The Mountains (Early Old-Time Music On Record)3:11not ratedMP3 Set2006
Seeger, Pete (Pete Seeger)CindyBuffalo Girlsnot ratedMP32011
Seeger, Pete (Pete Seeger)CindyWhich Side Are You On?2:29not ratedMP32006
The ChieftainsCindyDown The Old Plank Road: The Nashville Sessions2:38not ratedMP32002
Martin, Dean (Dean Martin)Cindy (With Ricky Nelson & Walter Brennan)Return To Me 1956-19611:19not ratedMP3 Set1998
Martin, Dean (Dean Martin)Cindy (With Ricky Nelson & Walter Brennan)Return To Me 1956-19611:18not ratedMP3 Set1998
Carolina Chocolate DropsCindy GalGenuine Negro Jig2:28not ratedMP32010
The PervertsCindy goes to a partyTales From The Pop Punk World Vol. 31:47not ratedMP32016
FacesCindy IncidentallyFive Guys Walk Into A Bar...2:39not ratedMP3 Set2004
FacesCindy Incidentally (Alternate Mix)Five Guys Walk Into A Bar...2:46not ratedMP3 Set2004
Bragg, Billy (Billy Bragg)Cindy Of A Thousand LivesDon't Try This At Home4:15not ratedMP31991
Bragg, Billy (Billy Bragg)Cindy Of A Thousand Lives6/28/92 Glastonbury Festival5:26not ratedCDR6/28/1992
Lyman, Arthur (Arthur Lyman)Cindy Oh CindyAt The Crescendo2:25not ratedMP31963
The Wilderness of ManitobaCindy RunsO Canada Canadian Music Mixtape4:18not ratedMP32017
Paxton, Tom (Tom Paxton)Cindy's Cryin'63:23not ratedMP31970
Paxton, Tom (Tom Paxton)Cindy's Cryin'I Can't Help But Wonder Where I'm Bound: The Best Of Tom Paxton The Elektra Years3:25not ratedMP31999
Stewart, Rod (Rod Stewart)Cindy's LamentGigantes del Popnot ratedCA1988
Atkins, Chet (Chet Atkins)Cindy, Oh CindySolo Flightsnot ratedMP31968
YesCinema901252:07not ratedMP31983
Haden, Charlie (Charlie Haden) & Pat MethenyCinema Paradiso (Love Theme)Beyond The Missouri Sky3:35not ratedMP31997
Haden, Charlie (Charlie Haden) & Pat MethenyCinema Paradiso (Main Theme)Beyond The Missouri Sky4:24not ratedMP31997
Groban, Josh (Josh Groban)Cinema Paradiso (Se)Josh Groban3:25not ratedCD2001
Guided By VoicesCinnamon Flavored SkullsSuitcase - Failed Experiments and Trashed Aircraft0:35not ratedMP3 Set2000

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