Complete list of thevault's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
McGee, Dennins (Dennis McGee), Sady CourvilleVous M'avez Donne Votre Parole (You Gave Me Your Word)Aimer Et Perdre: To Love & To Lose Songs, 1917-19343:07not rated2MP32012
Vox Instruments Radio Commercial 1966Vox Instruments Radio Commerical 1966Surf Age Nuggets: Trash & Twang Instrumentals1:01not ratedMP3 Set
Conjunto BernalVoy PerdiendoThe Rough Guide To Tex-Mex2:40not ratedMP31999
BeausoleilVoyage Au MariageParlez-Nous A Boire4:06not ratedMP31990
Love, A.J. (A.J. Love) Band (A.J. Love Band)Voyage Home From NeptuneTravelin' Rastamon3:12not ratedCD1998
Parsons, Alan (Alan Parsons) Project, The (The Alan Parsons Project)VoyagerThe Instrumental Works2:16not ratedMP31988
Munrow, David (David Munrow) Recorder Consort (David Munrow Recorder Consort)Voyant souffrir - Jacotin D 1529 from Four Chansons pub Attaingnant 1533Art of the Recorder - Instruments of the Middle Ages1:55not rated2MP31975
Sobule, Jill (Jill Sobule)Vrbana BridgeJill Sobule4:17not ratedMP31995
King CrimsonVrooomThe Condensed 21st Century Guide To King Crimson 1969-20034:37not rated2MP32006
Tower Of PowerVuela Por NocheIn The Slot1:33not ratedCD1975
Calloway, Cab (Cab Calloway)VuelvaVolume 2 1935-19402:55not ratedMP3 Set2003
Jimenez, Flaco (Flaco Jimenez)Vuelve A Quererme (Ranchera)Ay Te Dejo En San Antonio3:10not ratedMP31990
Gotan ProjectVuelvo Al SurLa Revancha Del Tango6:58not rated2MP32001
Sky Cries MaryVuhThis Timeless Turning4:18not ratedCDR1994
Ladysmith Black MambazoVuka Jona SithandazeThe Best Of Ladysmith Black Mambazo- Vol. 23:04not ratedMP31998
Manhattan BrothersVuka VukaAfrican Jazz ´N Jives2:33not ratedMP32000
Ladysmith Black MambazoVulani Ringi RingGift Of The Tortoise1:28not ratedMP31994
Operation IvyVulnerabilityOperation Ivy2:00not ratedMP31991
PhishVulturesShoreline, CA 7/31/97 Set IInot ratedTape7/31/1997
The OffspringVulturesConspiracy Of One3:34not ratedMP32000
RenaissanceVultures Fly HighRenaissance Live In Concert Tour 20113:31not ratedMP32011
Ga'anVultures of the HornGa'an7:16not ratedMP32010
DJ BootsieVuluke Khall (Instrumental Version)Wakka Chikka Wakka Chikka - Porn Music For The Masses Volume 13:46not ratedMP32004
Majumdar-Bansuri, Ronu (Ronu Majumdar-Bansuri); Ry Cooder; Jon Hassell; Abhijit Vzisnava BhajanHollow Bamboo6:04not ratedMP31997
James, Etta (Etta James)W-O-M-A-NThe Definitive Collection2:44not ratedMP32006

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