Complete list of javnick's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Gandalf's FistThe Bewildering Conscience of a Clockwork Child #The Clockwork Fable (3 CD)10:20**** 1/2CD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistThe Bewildering Conscience of a Clockwork Child #The Clockwork Fable (2 CD-R)10:20**** 1/2CDR3/17/2018
Gandalf's FistThe Capture (Including the Song for a Fallen Nightkeeper)The Clockwork Fable (2 CD-R)6:51****CDR3/17/2018
Gandalf's FistThe Capture (Including the Song for a Fallen Nightkeeper)The Clockwork Fable (3 CD)6:51****CD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistThe Circus in the Clearing (Including the Fanfare for the King´s Tournament)A Forest of Fey (Reissue)4:44****CD10/20/2014
Gandalf's FistThe Climb #The Clockwork Fable (2 CD-R)12:24**** 1/2CDR3/17/2018
Gandalf's FistThe Climb #The Clockwork Fable (3 CD)12:24**** 1/2CD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistThe Clockwork FableThe Clockwork Fable (2 CD-R)5:13*** 1/2CDR3/17/2018
Gandalf's FistThe Clockwork FableThe Clockwork Fable (3 CD)5:13*** 1/2CD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistThe Clokkemaker a) Dark Horizons #The Clockwork Prologue (Ltd.Edition 2 LP Coloured Vinyl)12:50****2LP9/20/2019
Gandalf's FistThe Council Of Anderson ##Road To Darkness (Special Edition, Reissue)6:19**** 1/2CD2011
Gandalf's FistThe Crawl #The Clockwork Prologue (Ltd.Edition 2 LP Coloured Vinyl)8:44****2LP9/20/2019
Gandalf's FistThe Figure speaksA Forest of Fey (Reissue)0:44not ratedCD10/20/2014
Gandalf's FistThe Great CogThe Clockwork Fable (2 CD-R)5:15*** 1/2CDR3/17/2018
Gandalf's FistThe Great CogThe Clockwork Fable (3 CD)5:15*** 1/2CD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistThe Great Mech-Mole Thunders Into GearThe Clockwork Prologue (Ltd.Edition 2 LP Coloured Vinyl)0:01not rated2LP9/20/2019
Gandalf's FistThe Lamp Above Eve's CaravanThe Clockwork Prologue (Ltd.Edition 2 LP Coloured Vinyl)0:01not rated2LP9/20/2019
Gandalf's FistThe Lamplighter ( Parts I-VIII )The Lamplighter's Tale (12" EP)15:58not rated12" vinyl9/18/2016
Gandalf's FistThe Lamplighter ( Parts XI-XIII )The Lamplighter's Tale (12" EP)12:13not rated12" vinyl9/18/2016
Gandalf's FistThe Lamplighter ( Parts XIV-XV )The Lamplighter's Tale (12" EP)2:58not rated12" vinyl9/18/2016
Gandalf's FistThe Lamplighter (Parts I-VIII)The Clockwork Fable (3 CD)15:58****CD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistThe Lamplighter (Parts I-VIII)The Clockwork Fable (2 CD-R)15:58****CDR3/17/2018
Gandalf's FistThe Lamplighter (Parts IX-XIII) ##The Clockwork Fable (2 CD-R)12:13*****CDR3/17/2018
Gandalf's FistThe Lamplighter (Parts IX-XIII) ##The Clockwork Fable (3 CD)12:13*****CD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistThe Lamplighter (Parts XIV-XV) #The Clockwork Fable (3 CD)2:58**** 1/2CD5/1/2016

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