Complete list of javnick's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
NukliBook Of Changes ##The Time Factory17:31**** 1/2CD1997
NukliInner Days ##The Time Factory6:26**** 1/2CD1997
NukliPsychelektra Trip SequenceThe Time Factory17:17****CD1997
NukliSpiral DanceThe Time Factory9:49****CD1997
NukliThe Inner SanctumThe Time Factory3:46** 1/2CD1997
O'Brien, MollieLove, Life And Money ##Things I Gave Away6:00**** 1/2CD8/29/2000
O'Brien, MolliePracticing Walking AwayThings I Gave Away3:29***CD8/29/2000
O'Brien, MollieRiver's Invitation ##Things I Gave Away3:27**** 1/2CD8/29/2000
O'Brien, MollieThe House, The Boat, The Lovers #Things I Gave Away4:01****CD8/29/2000
O'Brien, MollieThe Right Thing ##Things I Gave Away4:43**** 1/2CD8/29/2000
O'Brien, MollieThrow It AwayThings I Gave Away4:12***CD8/29/2000
O'Brien, MollieTrain TimeThings I Gave Away5:11***CD8/29/2000
O'Brien, MollieWhen I'm Gone #Things I Gave Away3:48****CD8/29/2000
O'Brien, MollieWhen I've Got The Moon ##Things I Gave Away4:57**** 1/2CD8/29/2000
O'Brien, MollieYou Won't See MeThings I Gave Away3:29*** 1/2CD8/29/2000
OasisLylaThe Anthems [Disc 2 of 2]5:06*** 1/2CD2006
Ocean Colour SceneThe Riverboat Song #The Anthems [Disc 2 of 2]4:55****CD2006
Octavia SperatiSoundlessPhoenix Risen - A Candlelight Records Compilation (2 CD)4:32**2CD2006
October FileA Munitions CrusadeUnleashed-Ones To Watch In 20085:48not ratedCD2008
OctopusAdrenalinaMmmmm ... Q compilation3:26not ratedCD1996
OdettaMidnight SpecialMojo Music Guide Vol. 4: Blues Power2:36not ratedCD2004
Odin DragonflyCaught In A Fold #Offerings3:34****CD2007
Odin DragonflyForesaken LoveOfferings4:46***CD2007
Odin DragonflyGiven Time #Offerings4:28****CD2007
Odin DragonflyHow I Feel TodayOfferings4:25*** 1/2CD2007

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