Complete list of javnick's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Gandalf's Fistc) ElergyThe Clockwork Prologue (Ltd.Edition 2 LP Coloured Vinyl)0:01not rated2LP9/20/2019
Gandalf's FistChildhood GhostsA Forest of Fey (Reissue)2:23*** 1/2CD10/20/2014
Gandalf's FistConjurer Of Cheap Tricks #Road To Darkness (Special Edition, Reissue)1:40****CD2011
Gandalf's FistDe-rangedThe Clockwork Fable (3 CD)3:30not ratedCD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistDirty Doyle's Surface SouvenirsThe Clockwork Prologue (Ltd.Edition 2 LP Coloured Vinyl)1:35not rated2LP9/20/2019
Gandalf's FistDitchwater DaisiesThe Clockwork Fable (3 CD)7:22*** 1/2CD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistDitchwater DaisiesThe Clockwork Fable (2 CD-R)7:22*** 1/2CDR3/17/2018
Gandalf's FistDrifter on the Edge of Time ##A Forest of Fey (Reissue)6:38*****CD10/20/2014
Gandalf's FistEmbers Of The Past And Flames Still Yet To SpringThe Clockwork Prologue (Ltd.Edition 2 LP Coloured Vinyl)0:01not rated2LP9/20/2019
Gandalf's FistEmerald EyesRoad To Darkness (Special Edition, Reissue)4:33*** 1/2CD2011
Gandalf's FistEpilogue - Oh Bugger!The Clockwork Fable (3 CD)1:02not ratedCD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistEscape from CogtopolisThe Clockwork Fable (3 CD)1:14not ratedCD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistEscape!The Clockwork Fable (3 CD)3:25not ratedCD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistEve's Song #The Clockwork Fable (2 CD-R)8:27**** 1/2CDR3/17/2018
Gandalf's FistEve's Song #The Clockwork Fable (3 CD)8:27**** 1/2CD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistFight for the LightThe Clockwork Fable (3 CD)8:08****CD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistFight for the LightThe Clockwork Fable (2 CD-R)8:08****CDR3/17/2018
Gandalf's FistFlight for the SurfaceThe Clockwork Fable (3 CD)2:10not ratedCD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistForest Rose (Coming Home) #A Forest of Fey (Reissue)4:36**** 1/2CD10/20/2014
Gandalf's FistGardens of the LostA Forest of Fey (Reissue)6:03****CD10/20/2014
Gandalf's FistHall Of The Badger KingThe Clockwork Prologue (Ltd.Edition 2 LP Coloured Vinyl)3:55not rated2LP9/20/2019
Gandalf's FistIn the Cavern of the great CogThe Clockwork Fable (3 CD)3:52not ratedCD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistIn the Name of the SpyThe Clockwork Fable (3 CD)2:56not ratedCD5/1/2016
Gandalf's FistInto The Dark (Containing Emerald Eyes Reprise)Road To Darkness (Special Edition, Reissue)7:14***CD2011
Gandalf's FistLeader Of Men #The Clockwork Prologue (Ltd.Edition 2 LP Coloured Vinyl)8:08****2LP9/20/2019

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