Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Lee HoldridgeCousteau Accomplishments - Hillary On EverestThe Explorers - A Century Of Discovery2:16not ratedMP31988
Lee HoldridgeCuadro Final (Final Scene): Cielos Misteriosos (Mysterious Skies) /SereEl Pueblo del Sol7:24not ratedMP31981
Lee HoldridgeCulturas Antiguas (Ancient Cultures)El Pueblo del Sol3:00not ratedMP31981
Lee HoldridgeDance from Scenes of SummerSymphonic Hollywood2:39not ratedMP31991
Lee HoldridgeDar's SolitudeThe Beastmaster1:28not ratedMP31995
Lee HoldridgeDawn [Orchestral Interlude]16 Days of Glory: The Spirit of the Olympics3:18not ratedMP31996
Lee HoldridgeDaydreamSplash0:57not ratedMP31984
Lee HoldridgeDecathlon (The Finale)16 Days of Glory: The Spirit of the Olympics3:41not ratedMP31996
Lee HoldridgeDecision TimeInto Thin Air4:22not ratedWMA
Lee HoldridgeDemand Our FleetWinston Churchill: Walking with Destiny3:55not ratedMP32012
Lee HoldridgeDenslow's Dorothy/The Enrald CityThe Dreamer Of Oznot ratedMP31990
Lee HoldridgeDescentInto Thin Air1:24not ratedWMA
Lee HoldridgeDesert RunBrothers At War0:52not ratedMP32009
Lee HoldridgeDon't Let The Rain Get To YouTiltnot ratedMP3
Lee HoldridgeDon't Stop The MusicTiltnot ratedMP3
Lee HoldridgeDora's Not WellBuffalo Girls1:11not ratedMP31995
Lee HoldridgeDorothyThe Dreamer Of Oznot ratedMP31990
Lee HoldridgeDorothy And The Tin ManThe Dreamer Of Oznot ratedMP31990
Lee HoldridgeDorothy In The Land Of OzThe Dreamer Of Oznot ratedMP31990
Lee HoldridgeDraculetteTransylvania 6-50001:01not ratedMP3
Lee HoldridgeDriving The Trans-Asiatic Expedition - Trans-Asiatic CompromiseThe Explorers - A Century Of Discovery1:36not ratedMP31988
Lee HoldridgeDunkirkWinston Churchill: Walking with Destiny3:57not ratedMP32012
Lee HoldridgeEarly Magazines - Action Photos & Color - North Pole With Peary - The Bingham Expedition - Valley Of Ten Thousand SmokesThe Explorers - A Century Of Discovery9:52not ratedMP31988
Lee HoldridgeEast of Eden (Finale)Suites and Themes3:28not ratedMP32008
Lee HoldridgeEast of Eden Main ThemeSymphonic Hollywood2:35not ratedMP31991

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