Complete list of chtefan's songs

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Artist Title Album Duration Rating Format Released
Lee HoldridgeFinding ExcaliburMist of Avalonnot ratedMP3
Lee HoldridgeFinding ExcaliburMists Of Avalon, The1:47not ratedMP3
Lee HoldridgeFinding The Beavers at the ZooBuffalo Girls2:08not ratedMP31995
Lee HoldridgeFirst FamilyThe Dreamer Of Oznot ratedMP31990
Lee HoldridgeFirst Kisses And Summer MeadowsOther Side Of The Mountain Part21:44not ratedMP31978
Lee HoldridgeFirst MeetingSplash1:33not ratedMP31984
Lee HoldridgeFlow Of ArmsWinston Churchill: Walking with Destiny2:07not ratedMP32012
Lee HoldridgeFlying Into BaghdadBrothers At War1:18not ratedMP32009
Lee HoldridgeFollowing The WolfmanTransylvania 6-50002:03not ratedMP3
Lee HoldridgeFor DorothyThe Dreamer Of Oznot ratedMP31990
Lee HoldridgeForever Young vocal Bernadette PetersForeverYoung Forever Free2:20not ratedMP3
Lee HoldridgeFrank's Nightmare/The Wonderful Wizard Of OzThe Dreamer Of Oznot ratedMP31990
Lee HoldridgeFriendsTiltnot ratedMP3
Lee HoldridgeFriends of Dar - A. The Princess Kiri - B. Kodo, Podo and ReuThe Beastmaster3:36not ratedMP31995
Lee HoldridgeFuneral and War (Main Title)Winston Churchill: Walking with Destiny5:01not ratedMP32012
Lee HoldridgeGathering DarknessInto the Arms of Strangers4:39not ratedMP32000
Lee HoldridgeGemini Man (Elegy For Harp and Strings)Suites and Themes5:48not ratedMP32008
Lee HoldridgeGermany Attacks PolandI Have Never Forgotten You6:21not ratedMP32007
Lee HoldridgeGiving Up The BabyBuffalo Girls2:49not ratedMP31995
Lee HoldridgeGoing Back to the Mountains, Remembering the BeaversBuffalo Girls1:35not ratedMP31995
Lee HoldridgeGOING HOMEThe Music of Lee Holdridge5:58not ratedMP31985
Lee HoldridgeGoing Home, Jim Dies, Goodbye to BartleBuffalo Girls3:44not ratedMP31995
Lee HoldridgeGoing To EnglandBuffalo Girls2:30not ratedMP31995
Lee HoldridgeGolda SuiteIn Search Of Peace9:42not ratedMP32006
Lee HoldridgeGood BetBuffalo Girls1:24not ratedMP31995

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