Lee Holdridge
The Explorers - A Century Of Discovery

Lee Holdridge - The Explorers - A Century Of Discovery

  • Release date: 1988
  • Genre: soundtrack/Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 50:28
  • *****
  • Added February 12, 2012
  • Played February 12, 2012
  • Rated February 12, 2012


1. Tease Intro - Tease Montage - National Geographic Specials Themenot rated3:13
2. Alexander Graham Bellnot rated1:38
3. Early Magazines - Action Photos & Color - North Pole With Peary - The Bingham Expedition - Valley Of Ten Thousand Smokesnot rated9:52
4. Joseph Rock In The Orient - The King Tut Excavationnot rated4:28
5. Antartic Summer - Byrd Flies Over Polenot rated1:46
6. The Johnsons In Africa - Beebe's Diving Bellnot rated1:54
7. Strange Undersea Lifenot rated0:42
8. Ballooning Future - Ballooning Triumphnot rated1:25
9. Driving The Trans-Asiatic Expedition - Trans-Asiatic Compromisenot rated1:36
10. War-Time Yucatan Expeditionnot rated1:15
11. Cousteau Accomplishments - Hillary On Everestnot rated2:16
12. Everest Endingnot rated0:47
13. Three Generations Of Grosvenors As Head Of NGS - Project Bebee : Jeannie Clarkenot rated2:16
14. Ancient Shipwreck - Celebrating Archaeological Diversnot rated1:24
15. The Titanicnot rated1:07
16. Robert Explores Titanic - Tomb Probenot rated3:47
17. Leakay - Leakay Successes - Misty Gorillanot rated4:27
18. Helping Primitive Cultures - Wide Rivernot rated3:05
19. Cosmic Wrap-Up - End Creditsnot rated3:30

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