John Powell (23 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
John PowellBolt (Oscar Promo)MP3***1:08:21
John PowellChicken RunCD2000not rated1:03:06
John PowellCody BanksMP3not rated1:13:53
John PowellEnduranceCD1999not rated50:42
John PowellFace/Off CompleteMP3not rated2:07:59
John PowellFilm Music Of John PowellMP3not rated
John PowellForces of Nature (Promo)MP31999not rated41:14
John PowellGreen ZoneMP32010not rated52:55
John PowellHancockMP32008not rated44:37
John PowellHow To Train Your DragonMP32010*****1:12:05
John PowellIce Age: Dawn Of The DinosaursMP3*****1:13:45
John PowellIce Age: The MeltdownMP32006not rated1:03:01
John PowellJumperMP32008not rated44:11
John PowellJumper (extended)MP3not rated47:19
John PowellKnight And DayMP3***54:44
John PowellMars Needs MomsMP32011***49:20
John PowellP.S. I Love You ScoreMP32008***50:01
John PowellRioMP32011****47:07
John PowellThe Bourne UltimatumMP32007not rated55:00
John PowellThe Powell SupremacyMP3not rated1:20:23
John PowellX-Men: The Last StandMP32006not rated1:01:27
John PowellX-Men: The Last Stand (Complete score)MP3not rated1:34:56
John Powellhorton hears a who!MP32008not rated59:40