John Powell, John Powell
Mars Needs Moms

John Powell - Mars Needs Moms

  • Release date: 2011
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 49:20
  • ***
  • Added March 16, 2011
  • Played March 16, 2011
  • Rated March 16, 2011


1. Mars Observersnot rated3:28
2. Abduction/Trashworldnot rated4:49
3. Enjoy The Ridenot rated1:35
4. Mars Needs Momsnot rated2:10
5. Gribble's Plannot rated1:23
6. Milo Escapesnot rated3:49
7. Gribble's Lossnot rated3:18
8. Firing Squadnot rated5:05
9. To The Surfacenot rated6:37
10. The Sacrificenot rated3:25
11. Transformationnot rated3:48
12. Family Reunionnot rated2:58
13. Mars Needs Moms Credits Suitenot rated3:46
14. Martian Mambonot rated3:09

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