John Powell
Jumper (extended)

John Powell - Jumper (extended)

  • Genre: Other
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 47:19
  • not rated
  • Added April 12, 2008
  • Played April 12, 2008


1. my day so farnot rated1:03
2. splashnot rated1:30
3. first jumpsnot rated1:37
4. millienot rated1:00
5. jumpernot rated0:57
6. control and powernot rated1:03
7. alone in the mistnot rated0:28
8. the plannot rated1:00
9. surf's upnot rated1:11
10. 1000 voltsnot rated3:47
11. roland snoopsnot rated1:43
12. fighting marknot rated0:25
13. you hear me laughingnot rated1:01
14. coliseum tournot rated1:46
15. coliseum fightnot rated2:24
16. echo of momnot rated0:49
17. airport departurenot rated1:58
18. roland meet david's dadnot rated0:38
19. in hospitalnot rated0:56
20. it's sayonaranot rated0:56
21. race to millienot rated1:24
22. david comes cleannot rated3:24
23. roland at the lairnot rated4:55
24. jumper vs jumpernot rated2:18
25. chase though the worldnot rated1:02
26. the sacrificenot rated4:45
27. a head startnot rated1:43
28. a jump offnot rated1:36

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