Carter Burwell (21 albums)

Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Burwell, CarterRob RoyCD1995not rated51:55
Burwell, CarterThe Hudsucker ProxyCD1994not rated29:47
Carter BurwellA Serious ManMP32009not rated33:37
Carter BurwellAnd the Band Played OnMP31993not rated43:29
Carter BurwellBurn After ReadingMP32008****36:01
Carter BurwellFur-An Imaginary Portrait of Diane ArbusMP32006***45:59
Carter BurwellHi-Lo CountryMP31999not rated53:28
Carter BurwellHowlMP32010***33:59
Carter BurwellIn BrugesMP3not rated43:45
Carter BurwellKalifornia (Unreleased)MP31993not rated43:11
Carter BurwellMildred PierceMP32011*** 1/21:19:14
Carter BurwellMiller's CrossingMP31990not rated27:59
Carter BurwellMystery AlaskaMP3not rated20:19
Carter BurwellNo Country for Old MenMP32007not rated1:14
Carter BurwellO Brother Where Art Thou (Promo)MP32000not rated
Carter BurwellThe AlamoMP32004not rated55:32
Carter BurwellThe blind sideMP32010not rated39:35
Carter BurwellTrue GritM4A12/17/2010****37:02
Carter BurwellTwilightMP32008*** 1/246:12
Carter BurwellWhat PlanetMP3not rated3:57
Carter BurwellWhere The Wild Things AreMP32009*** 1/226:46