Carter Burwell
Fur-An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus

Carter Burwell - Fur-An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus

  • Release date: 2006
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 45:59
  • ***
  • Added April 29, 2009
  • Played April 29, 2009
  • Rated April 29, 2009


1. The Furnot rated3:13
2. Tango de la Betenot rated1:25
3. Scary Timesnot rated1:40
4. Arbus Family Photo Studionot rated1:55
5. My Arms Around Myselfnot rated1:56
6. Exposurenot rated0:59
7. Seductionnot rated1:11
8. Pipesnot rated1:38
9. Ad Ultima Thulenot rated3:33
10. Call of the Wildnot rated1:08
11. The Tea Partynot rated2:11
12. The Run Back Homenot rated1:19
13. Water Dreamnot rated3:15
14. Stepping Outnot rated1:06
15. A Dead Personnot rated1:21
16. Trap Door Partynot rated1:15
17. Drowningnot rated1:38
18. End Itnot rated1:24
19. Transmissionnot rated2:30
20. The Shavenot rated5:24
21. Into the Seanot rated5:05
22. I Want to Meet Your Husbandnot rated0:53

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