1. ÿþCarter Burwell - =ÿþMildred Pierce Opening Titles | not rated | 1:43 |
2. Glen Grey and The Casa Loma Orchestra, ÿþPaul Joseph Mares, Walter Melrose, Ferdinand Joseph Morton, Leon RapppoloTPE - ÿþMilenberg Joys | not rated | 2:56 |
3. ÿþCarter Burwell - 'ÿþHungry And Harried | not rated | 3:48 |
4. ÿþCarter Burwell - !ÿþPosition Filled | not rated | 2:40 |
5. Hal Kemp and The Carolina Club Orchestra, ?ÿþHarry Carroll, Joseph Mccarthy - 9ÿþI'm Always Chasing Rainbows | not rated | 3:15 |
6. ÿþCarter Burwell - ÿþMounting Monty | not rated | 2:30 |
7. ÿþCarter Burwell - !ÿþSelf Assessment | not rated | 1:42 |
8. Robin Freund-Epstein, !ÿþFryderyk Chopin - [ÿþChopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu In C-Sharp Minor | not rated | 5:08 |
9. ÿþCarter Burwell - ÿþRay Dies | not rated | 3:01 |
10. ÿþCarter Burwell - 5ÿþMildred Pierce End Titles | not rated | 1:55 |
11. Vince Giordano And The Nighthawks, KÿþLew Brown, BG DeSylva, Ray Henderson - ÿþOne More Time | not rated | 2:54 |
12. ÿþCarter Burwell - ÿþMoving On | not rated | 2:24 |
13. ÿþCarter Burwell - !ÿþMildreds Escape | not rated | 3:03 |
14. Robin Freund-Epstein, )ÿþSergei Rachmaninoff - -ÿþRachmaninoff: Prelude | not rated | 1:42 |
15. ÿþCarter Burwell - ÿþAway From You | not rated | 3:57 |
16. Dilber and The Estonia Opera Orchestra, =ÿþClément Philibert Léo Delibes - EÿþDelibes: The Bell Song From Lakmé | not rated | 8:22 |
17. ÿþCarter Burwell - ÿþAmongst Graves | not rated | 1:36 |
18. EÿþVince Giordano And The Nighthawks, ÿþCole Porter - ÿþEasy To Love | not rated | 2:49 |
19. ÿþCarter Burwell - ÿþVedas Window | not rated | 3:06 |
20. ÿþCarter Burwell - ÿþThe Big Night | not rated | 2:10 |
21. GÿþEnglish Chamber Opera with Sumi Jo, #ÿþVincenzo Bellini - KÿþBellini: Qui La Voce From I Puritani | not rated | 4:13 |
22. ÿþCarter Burwell - ÿþBlindsided | not rated | 3:44 |
23. ÿþSumi Jo, ?ÿþHarry Carroll, Joseph Mccarthy - 9ÿþI'm Always Chasing Rainbows | not rated | 1:30 |
24. EÿþVince Giordano And The Nighthawks, ÿþClaude Debussy - ÿþMy Reverie | not rated | 3:30 |
25. ÿþCarter Burwell - 1ÿþI Don't Need You Either | not rated | 2:35 |
26. ÿþCarter Burwell - #ÿþTo Hell With Her | not rated | 2:16 |
27. ÿþCarter Burwell - ÿþBrought Home | not rated | 0:45 |
| 1:19:14 |
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