Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Jerry GoldsmithCelebration of Japan Tour 2003CDnot rated29:51
Jerry GoldsmithChain Reaction (Complete Score)MP31994not rated43:07
Jerry GoldsmithChinatown (Complete)MP31974not rated52:32
Jerry GoldsmithChristus ApolloCD2002not rated51:19
Jerry GoldsmithCity HallCDnot rated30:14
Jerry GoldsmithCity Of FearMP31959not rated37:25
Jerry GoldsmithCity Of Fear [Intrada Editition]MP3*** 1/229:21
Jerry GoldsmithComaMP3not rated
Jerry GoldsmithConcert Goldsmith GenèveMP3not rated2:15:24
Jerry GoldsmithCongoMP31995****33:53
Jerry GoldsmithContract on Cherry StreetMP31977***47:14
Jerry GoldsmithCriminal LawCD1988not rated30:57
Jerry GoldsmithDamien Omen II (Deluxe Edition)MP3not rated1:08:05
Jerry GoldsmithDamnation Alley [Bootleg]MP3*** 1/227:04
Jerry GoldsmithDeep risingMP31998*** 1/232:09
Jerry GoldsmithDennis The MenaceCDnot rated41:22
Jerry GoldsmithDr. KildareMP31961*****3:55:27
Jerry GoldsmithEscape from the Planet of the ApesMP31971not rated29:02
Jerry GoldsmithEscape From The Planet of The ApesMP31971not rated25:52
Jerry GoldsmithExecutive DecisionMP31996not rated29:22
Jerry GoldsmithExplorers (Bootleg)MP31985not rated57:50
Jerry GoldsmithExplorers (Complete)MP3*****1:17:19
Jerry GoldsmithExtreme Prejudice [Expanded Edition]MP32005***1:04:02
Jerry GoldsmithFace Of A FugitiveMP31959not rated30:18
Jerry GoldsmithFierce CreaturesMP31997not rated2:13

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