Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Jeff DannaThe Gospel Of JohnMP32003not rated52:52
Jeff DannaUncorkedMP32002***29:29
Jeff Danna & Mychael DannaA Celtic Tale - The Legend of DeirdreCD1996not rated43:59
Jeff GraceThe Last WinterMP32007not rated39:44
Jeff RonaBeyond The City Limits (Promo)MP32001not rated29:51
Jeff RonaExit Wounds (Promo)MP3not rated
Jeff RonaLegend Of EarthseaMP32004not rated1:06:58
Jeff RonaSlow BurnMP32007not rated35:36
Jeff RonaSongs Of The Sea / The Regatta SuiteMP32008not rated34:39
Jeff RonaThe Mothman Prophecies (Rejected)MP32002not rated1:01:45
Jeff RonaTom Clancy's Netforce Promo ScoreMP3not rated58:40
Jennie MuskettThe Secret Of Life On EarthMP31993*****1:02:50
Jeremy SouleArmies of ExigoMP32004****40:03
Jeremy SouleBaldur's Gate Dark Alliance RemasteredMP3not rated47:34
Jeremy SouleBaldur's Gate: Dark AllianceMP32001****1:09:52
Jeremy SouleDungeon Siege 2WMAnot rated1:17:56
Jeremy SouleElder Scrolls 4: OblivionMP32006not rated59:16
Jeremy SouleElder Scrolls V: SkyrimMP32011*****3:38:35
Jeremy SouleElderScrolls III MorrowindWMAnot rated45:47
Jeremy SouleGiants: Citizen KabutoMP32001****50:14
Jeremy SouleGuild WarsMP32005**** 1/254:49
Jeremy SouleGuild Wars FactionsMP3not rated57:20
Jeremy SouleGuild Wars Nightfall Original SoundtrackWMAnot rated1:20:56
Jeremy SouleGuild Wars Special Edition SoundtrackWMA2005not rated1:06:33
Jeremy SouleGuild Wars: Eye of the NorthWMAnot rated1:09:41

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