Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Jerry GoldsmithFilm Music of Jerry GoldsmithMP3*****1:09:20
Jerry GoldsmithFirst BloodWMA2000not rated40:22
Jerry GoldsmithFirst Blood Intrada EditionMP31982*****1:27:13
Jerry GoldsmithFirst KnightCD1995not rated40:11
Jerry GoldsmithFirst Knight (Expanded)MP3*****2:25:35
Jerry GoldsmithForever YoungCD1992not rated38:20
Jerry GoldsmithForever Young (LaLand)MP3*****1:14:33
Jerry GoldsmithFree As The Wind (Tribute)MP32004not rated49:36
Jerry GoldsmithFreudMP3not rated
Jerry GoldsmithFreud (Deluxe Edition)MP31962***47:26
Jerry GoldsmithFrontiersMP31997**** 1/247:21
Jerry GoldsmithGhost and the DarknessMP31996****53:18
Jerry GoldsmithGladiator(rejected)MP3not rated36:14
Jerry GoldsmithGoldsmith's Rare RecordingsMP3not rated1:19:55
Jerry GoldsmithGremlinsMP3not rated50:45
Jerry GoldsmithGremlins (Extended)MP31984not rated58:43
Jerry GoldsmithGremlins (FSM Edition)MP32011*****1:47:08
Jerry GoldsmithGremlins IICD1990not rated39:25
Jerry GoldsmithHawkins On MurderMP3****1:18:53
Jerry GoldsmithHeart of V'JurMP3*****52:36
Jerry GoldsmithHigh velocityMP31994***33:48
Jerry GoldsmithHollow Man CompleteMP32000not rated1:17:00
Jerry GoldsmithHoosiersMP31986not rated39:35
Jerry GoldsmithHour of the gunMP3not rated31:37
Jerry GoldsmithI.Q.MP31987not rated1:21:20

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