Jeremy Soule
Giants: Citizen Kabuto

Jeremy Soule - Giants: Citizen Kabuto

  • Release date: 2001
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 50:14
  • ****
  • Added March 7, 2009
  • Played March 7, 2009
  • Rated March 7, 2009


1. Island Overturenot rated2:14
2. Majorcan Voyagenot rated1:50
3. Flight of the Meccsnot rated1:16
4. Baz's Adagionot rated1:42
5. Meccs at the Readynot rated2:44
6. Delphi's Journeynot rated1:34
7. Les Nuagesnot rated1:48
8. The Four Elementsnot rated1:37
9. A Mother's Love Lostnot rated1:43
10. Yan's Apprenticenot rated1:10
11. La Mer Agitéenot rated2:40
12. Kabuto Stonenot rated1:24
13. A Creature of Legendnot rated1:19
14. Kabuto's Awakeningnot rated1:14
15. A More Perfect Daughternot rated1:01
16. Kill, Crush, Destroynot rated2:45
17. Openingnot rated0:51
18. Sappho's Demisenot rated2:40
19. Torture Squarenot rated3:26
20. Mark Morgan - Yan's Dojonot rated2:38
21. Mark Morgan - Dangerous Magicnot rated2:21
22. Mark Morgan - Sappho's Schemenot rated2:12
23. Mark Morgan - Inside Whittington Prisonnot rated1:54
24. Mark Morgan - The Vimp Huntnot rated3:33
25. Mark Morgan - Ripping Rippersnot rated2:38

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