Jeremy Soule
Guild Wars

Jeremy Soule - Guild Wars

  • Release date: 2005
  • Genre: Game
  • Format: MP3
  • Category: misc
  • Duration: 54:49
  • **** 1/2
  • Added January 19, 2010
  • Played September 1, 2010
  • Rated January 19, 2010


1. Opening Themenot rated1:36
2. Autumn In Ascalonnot rated2:13
3. Mhenlo's Themenot rated1:49
4. Over The Shiverpeaksnot rated2:18
5. Eye Of The Stormnot rated2:19
6. Prince Rurik's Themenot rated0:36
7. Sands of Krytanot rated2:21
8. The Door Of Komalienot rated2:32
9. The Moment Of Truthnot rated2:12
10. Devona's Themenot rated1:26
11. Cynn's Themenot rated1:16
12. Eve's Themenot rated1:12
13. Abaddon's Mouthnot rated2:34
14. Crystal Oasisnot rated2:18
15. Gwen's Themenot rated2:46
16. Ashford Abbeynot rated1:49
17. Aidan's Themenot rated1:12
18. Guilds At Warnot rated3:06
19. Hall Of Heroesnot rated2:31
20. The Riftnot rated2:58
21. Whitman's Follynot rated1:25
22. Tasca's Themenot rated2:28
23. Ascension Songnot rated2:30
24. Temple Of Tolerancenot rated2:21
25. Althea's Themenot rated1:13
26. The Charrnot rated1:25
27. The Great Northern Wallnot rated1:04
28. Droknar's Forgenot rated1:19

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