Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Gerald FriedStar Trek - Friday's ChildMP31967not rated28:21
Gerald FriedStar Trek CatspawMP31967not rated29:27
Gerard AnfossoGerard Anfosso: Film MusicFLAC****49:34
Gérard SalessesL'Enfant des NeigesCDnot rated42:05
Germinal TenasJustinien Trouvé ou le batard de dieuMP31993*****1:04:42
Gheorghe ZamfirThe Lonely ShepherdMP31990** 1/21:18:09
Gibbs, MichaelBeing HumanCD1994not rated51:54
Giogio MoroderThe Never Ending Story [Unreleased Tracks]MP31984not rated4:16
Glorian' Music MarksTwo Worlds II Soundtrack (from Royal Edition Bonus DVD)MP32010****1:29:26
Goldenberg, BillyIn 80 Tagen Um Die WeltCD1989not rated52:16
Goldenthal, ElliotA Time to KillCD1996not rated37:15
Goldsmith, JerryStar Trek: The Motion Picture (Complete Score)2CDnot rated1:11:45
Goldsmith, JerryThe Stripper / The Travelling ExecutionerCDnot rated1:03:24
Goldstein, WilliamZoyaCDnot rated1:10:52
Gordy HaabIndiana Jones And The Staff of KingsMP32009***19:16
Graeme RevellBelowMP3not rated1:08:52
Graeme RevellChinese BoxMP32003not rated44:40
Graeme RevellDarfur NowMP32007***41:39
Graeme RevellDune (Bootleg)MP32000*****2:53:16
Graeme RevellDune TV Mini SeriesMP32001****1:07:08
Graeme RevellEaters of The Dead (The 13th Warrior Rejected Score, transcode)MP31999not rated1:08:25
Graeme RevellFled (Complete Recording Sessions Score)MP31996not rated46:18
Graeme RevellKing Kong (Rejected Agency Promo)MP32005not rated24:14
Graeme RevellLulu on the BridgeMP3not rated
Graeme RevellMighty Morphin Power RangersCDnot rated35:31

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