Gheorghe Zamfir
The Lonely Shepherd

Gheorghe Zamfir - The Lonely Shepherd

  • Release date: 1990
  • Genre: Soundtracks
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 1:18:09
  • ** 1/2
  • Added May 13, 2009
  • Played July 8, 2009
  • Rated May 13, 2009


1. The Lonely Shepherd - Zamfir, Last, Jamesnot rated4:31
2. The Rose - Zamfir, McBroom, Amandanot rated6:07
3. Floral Dance - Zamfir, Moss, Kathryn Kellenot rated2:57
4. Theme - Zamfir,not rated5:34
5. Bilitis - Zamfir, Lai, Francisnot rated5:17
6. Adagio (arr. Harry von Hoof) - Zamfir,not rated1:51
7. Black Rose - Zamfir, Zamfir, Gheorgenot rated1:50
8. Ete d'Amour - Zamfir, Posit, J.P.not rated4:43
9. She - Zamfir, Aznavour, Charlesnot rated3:34
10. Laryssa - Zamfir, Zamfir, Gheorgenot rated4:21
11. Theme from Limelight - Zamfir, Chaplin, Charlesnot rated5:11
12. Run to Me - Zamfir, Gibb, Barrynot rated3:49
13. Elsha - Zamfir, VanHoof, Harrynot rated4:41
14. Don't Cry For Me Argentina - Zamfir,not rated2:11
15. 'Addio del passato'not rated5:53
16. Hungarian Dancenot rated4:15
17. 'Donna non vidi mai'not rated2:34
18. Theme from 'Limelight'not rated3:23
19. 'Don't cry for me, Argentina'not rated5:27

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