Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Georges DelerueA Little RomanceCDnot rated40:29
Georges DelerueA Summer StoryFLAC1988not rated36:50
Georges DelerueA Walk With Love And DeathMP31969not rated42:37
Georges DelerueA Walk With Love And Death (LP)MP31969not rated42:05
Georges DelerueAgnes of GodMP3not rated30:43
Georges DelerueAnne Of Thousand DaysMP31969not rated19:09
Georges DelerueBlack RobeCDnot rated37:51
Georges DelerueCanticles for Harp, Cello and PianoMP3not rated1:08:40
Georges DelerueChevaux Du SoleilMP31980*** 1/229:18
Georges DelerueCinéscénie du Puy du FouMP32003not rated57:04
Georges DelerueConseil De FamilleMP32008***25:52
Georges DelerueDien Bien PhuMP31992not rated40:03
Georges DelerueDien Bien PhuMP3*****40:16
Georges DelerueExposedMP31982****32:22
Georges DelerueGeorges DelerueMP32005not rated59:35
Georges DelerueGeorges Delerue Georg Elser EMP3not rated33:44
Georges DelerueGeorges Delerue: Les Plus Beaux Thèmes Pour Le PianoMP32007*****49:49
Georges DelerueGeorges Delerue: Works for Guitar and FluteMP32006*****57:36
Georges DelerueHiroshima mon AmourMP3***32:02
Georges DelerueJoe vs. the VolcanoCD2002not rated48:19
Georges DelerueKing Of Hearts (LP)MP31966not rated29:17
Georges DelerueL'AfricainMP3not rated37:18
Georges DelerueLa Passante Du Sans-SouciMP32009***37:36
Georges DelerueLa Reine BlancheMP3not rated45:41
Georges DelerueLe MeprisMP3****55:54

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