Complete list of chtefan's albums

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Artist Title Format Released Rating Duration
Alex NorthThe Passover PlotMP3** 1/237:35
Alex NorthThe RacersMP3not rated50:17
Alex NorthThe Shoes Of The FishermanMP3***32:22
Alex NorthThe Wonderful CountryMP3not rated40:30
Alex NorthThe Wonderful CountryFLAC*** 1/241:04
Alex NorthViva Zapata!MP31952***31:54
Alex WurmanAlex Wurman SamplerMP3not rated45:51
Alexander BrandonGauntlet: Seven SorrowsMP32005*** 1/22:53:12
Alexander BrandonTyrian Video GameMP3not rated44:45
Alexander CourageStar Trek Where No Man Has Gone BeforeMP31965not rated29:57
Alexander CourageSuperman IV: The Quest For PeaceMP32005not rated30:29
Alexandre AzariaFanfan La TulipeMP32003****3:37
Alexandre DesplatA better lifeMP32011****42:56
Alexandre DesplatAmazoneMP32000*** 1/254:36
Alexandre DesplatBirthMP32004not rated43:00
Alexandre DesplatCasanovaMP32005not rated45:04
Alexandre DesplatCheriMP32009****46:24
Alexandre DesplatClocloMP32012not rated1:18:03
Alexandre DesplatCoco Avant ChanelMP32009****39:38
Alexandre DesplatExtremely Close & Incredibly Close (Promo)MP3not rated1:02:57
Alexandre DesplatFantastic Mr. FoxMP32009****46:40
Alexandre DesplatFirewallM4Anot rated52:42
Alexandre DesplatGirl With A Pearl EarringMP3not rated50:32
Alexandre DesplatHarry Potter - The Deathly Hallows Part IIMP32011*** 1/21:08:07
Alexandre DesplatHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-Part 2 (Expanded)MP3**** 1/2

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