Alexandre Desplat
A better life

Alexandre Desplat - A better life

  • Release date: 2011
  • Genre: Soundtrack
  • Format: MP3
  • Duration: 42:56
  • ****
  • Added July 24, 2011
  • Played July 24, 2011
  • Rated July 24, 2011


1. A better lifenot rated2:29
2. From east to west L.A.not rated1:57
3. The canopeenot rated2:12
4. Carlos & Luisnot rated1:01
5. Santiago steals the trucknot rated2:28
6. On the busnot rated1:28
7. Looking for Santiagonot rated3:09
8. The fathernot rated1:05
9. The sonnot rated1:35
10. Trafficnot rated4:17
11. Immigrantsnot rated1:31
12. Deportationnot rated2:07
13. Carlos leavesnot rated2:26
14. Pulled overnot rated4:13
15. Sad rodeonot rated1:19
16. Phone cardnot rated1:15
17. Carlos hopenot rated0:49
18. Coming homenot rated4:26
19. Ozomatli - El jardineronot rated3:09

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